DTSP unveils new exercise…

Stay tuned for the big announcement, or just watch the video.IMG_8274 3

DTSP had a light showing today, but a good beatdown.  Ripken was on Q which means many shenanigans could be in the works.  However, do to a lack of sleep and not enough coffee, the tenor was mild.  Also on best behavior with an FNG in the midst.

The park was beautiful at 73.458 degrees Kelvin and a slight breeze at 3 knots.  Sunrise was happening here on Earth, but 93M miles away, the Sun was just sitting there doing its thang.

With only 3 of us, we spent extra time “learning” the FNG about the cult he was about to join.  He looked anxious as he heard a goat bey in the distance, but soon regained composure.  This led to a lengthy speech about the joys and glories of F3 and how the Emancipation Proclamation changed many lives as well.  Honest Abe was the first Nan-tan if you didn’t know.

The mozy took us north and then back south, otherwise we would have never gotten back.  We did many exercises in COP to teach the lexicon to the FNG, Sam.  Sam has an interesting spouse, also named Sam.  He calls her Sammy though so he doesn’t confuse when he is talking to himself.

The Thang was a timed event of exercises at base camp, while one pax ran 50 yards, flipped a card and did the number of exercises on the card.  Hearts=Burpees, Spades=Getups, Diamonds=Diamond Merkins and Clubs=Moroccan Night Clubs (duh!)

At basecamp we did Merkins, Salsa Dips (FNG had salsa the night before and noted it tasted a bit earthy), Dips, Bobby Hurleys and our BRAND NEW EXERCISE to be done at many future events in the future at events.

I proudly present the “First Responder.”  This is a two man, fisticuffs where one man is down and using only his core and the standing man’s biceps, he gets pulled back up.  This done quickly is actually a beast-mode exercise.  Back/biceps which rarely get worked at F3 are burning and grip strength is tasked.  I love the teamwork of this and how it represents so much that F3 stands for.  Won’t you join me in a  golf clap for our newest exercise member.

COT with 3 is always a bit funky, but we did it nonetheless.  FNG became Versace.  He owns a business that buys and resales high end mens clothing online.  Something all of us could use, especially Big Mac and Trump…the two best dressed Pax around.

Announcements for a run coming up in St. Pete in the park.  Smudge will get the details.  We should plan a big showing to really get the word out.  This is an awesome AO that needs to grow.

Ripken out.