Super 21 Day At Adventure Park

After the disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared, the Pax took off for an extended mozi, that included coming upon a dude running in the opposite direction.  The pax of 23 would not miss the opportunity to EH this fella, which turned out to be an amazing snag!  Former Navy diver and Spartan athlete …

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Wet morning at Nolan

Weather:  Rained all night, but in typical F3 Lakewood Ranch fashion, no rain during the beatdown. Someone is watching over us. No one seemed interested in going for a pre-run, but that would have also caused us to miss Pee Wee Herman, AKA Jimmy Dean arriving on his bike. Seeing this image and hearing the …

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Speed Bump Workout

Was a great sight to be in the dark parking lot and watching the headlights of all the HIM’s arrive on a Monday morning, we set a new record (12) for a weekday morning workout. We started off with a mosy around the pond doing some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke’s. Circled up in …

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Winter Olympics

Olympus is now a 2-time Olympian. This time he won a medal. Please congratulate him when you see him. Today featured 17 wiley veterans and 3 FNGs (Welcome to Tiger, Gump & Scrum). Ripken reminded us that Jesus cursed the fig tree for bearing no fruit.  Let us be Christian men that bear fruit and …

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