Super 21 Day At Adventure Park

After the disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared, the Pax took off for an extended mozi, that included coming upon a dude running in the opposite direction.  The pax of 23 would not miss the opportunity to EH this fella, which turned out to be an amazing snag!  Former Navy diver and Spartan athlete falling into your lap is never a bad start to the day.

The Pax then entered the EchoChamber for a speed version of COP. After each exercise called out by the Q was completed, the Pax would immediately start into a 10 count IC of SSHs.  No rest in between.  The exercises included:
  • Windmills x10IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Imperial Walkers x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Peter Parkers x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • LBCs x10 IC
    • SSH x10IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x41 IC
    • SSH x10IC

The speed round of COP proved to be a great way to get many FNGs to lead the SSH count, IC, and appeared to be a crowd pleaser, except the massive amount of MNCs that were done!

In order to gain more exposure to the folks arriving for the Celtic Festival, the Pax took to the parking lot for some cardio and pain.  A set of exercises were done at each corner, followed by a lap around the lot and then progressing to the next corner.  The exercises were as follows:
  • Merkins x20 OYO
  • LBCs x20 OYO
  • Monkey Humpers x20 OYO (this was great at the entrance to the parking lot
  • Big Boy Situps x20 OYO
Moleskin:  Courage is not something due to the absence of fear.  Courage is the realization that something exists beyond your current state.  Having the courage to step up to a Virgin Q on very short notice was shown by Backdraft, and for this, we commend you! At this point, I was honored to turn over the Q to a true HIM.


 Super 21 Consisted of the Following:
[Start at Point A]
1 merkin + run ~15 yards to Point B + 1 BBSU + run back to Point A
2 merkins + run + 2 BBSU + run back
. . . .
10 merkins + run + 10 BBSU + run back
All PAX do 21 squats to rest.
11 – 14 merkins/BBSU
15 – 17 merkins/BBSU
18 – 19 merkins/BBSU
20 – 21 merkins/BBSU
There was much mumble chatter at around set 10, but all PAX finished.


Each PAX picked an exercise which varied from Homer to Marge to Hello Dolly’s from our FNG.

Count-O-Rama (23 with one FNG we all EH from our run)


LECOM 5k that Olympus is involved with, sign up and wear your F3 Gear

Many other Runs and events coming up for All to get involved


Praises for Recall’s Son’s last doctor’s Appointment, Tex new building for business.

PAX shared many prayer request for sick family and friends.

Great Job Guys!!!

