Speed Bump Workout

Was a great sight to be in the dark parking lot and watching the headlights of all the HIM’s arrive on a Monday morning, we set a new record (12) for a weekday morning workout.

We started off with a mosy around the pond doing some High Knees, Butt Kickers and Karaoke’s.

Circled up in the parking lot and did some SSH’s , Strawberry Pickers and Imperial Walkers.

We headed “up” the hill out of the parking lot heading towards the main entrance stopping at each speed bump performing 20 Merkins and 20 Flutters for a total of 120 of each

Headed back “down” the hill stopping at each speed bump and performed 20 SSH’s and 20 Moroccan Night Clubs for a total of 120 of each.

Round 2 we headed back “up” the hill out of the parking lot heading towards the main entrance stopping at each speed bump performing 20 Carolina Dry Docks and 20 Leg Lifts for a total of 120 of each

Headed back “down” the hill stopping at each speed bump and performed 20 Squats and 20 Push Jacks for a total of 120 of each

With a few minutes left we did a Round of Mary doing multiple exercises and doing the best we could to avoid Chili and his favorite exercise the Burpee… but we ended the day with 10 Burpees.

There were praises and prayers including for the peaceful passing of Snipers neighbor who had been suffering.  Also praises for starting and ending your day praying with your M’s.