Wet morning at Nolan

Weather:  Rained all night, but in typical F3 Lakewood Ranch fashion, no rain during the beatdown. Someone is watching over us.

Jimmy Dean arriving at Nolan. *Photo may or may not be actual event.

No one seemed interested in going for a pre-run, but that would have also caused us to miss Pee Wee Herman, AKA Jimmy Dean arriving on his bike. Seeing this image and hearing the special little bell ring often sets the mumble chatter volume to epic levels, and today it did.  At 5:15, the Pax took off for a Sniper beatdown that included the following.

Mozi in the opposite direction then usual – what a rebel we have on our hands.  Mozi included butt kickers, high knees, and carioca x2.

COP ensued with the following recipe of fun:

  • SSH x 40IC
  • Strawberry pickers x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 10IC

The Thang – despite the moist conditions of the field, Sniper led the pax over to the grassy field next to the school for a ladder of pain set up with 5 stops along the way.  Starting with 5 exercises, then 10, 15, 20 and 25. Each with a mode of transportation between each stop and returning the entire way back with that mode of transportation.  The reps included:

  • Merkins/Bear Crawl
  • Squats/Lunge Walk
  • Carolina Dry Docks/Frog Jumps
  • LBCs/Backwards Lunge (is that called an Egnul?)
  • Mountain Climbers/High Knees

The Pax then followed Ripken and Sniper, who have both proven to be mighty fast, to run 100 yard sprints (give or take a few yards), repeated 4 times.

To wrap up the morning, the Pax circled up for a round of Mary with some of the strangest exercises, actually, one strange one, and the rest normal.  And boy did the mumble chatter/whining commence.

  1. No idea what to call it but Pee Wee Herman would have been arrested again if he did this in a theater type exercise (on all 4s, lift leg to chest then all the way back).  Other than kill our knees on the pavement, I am not sure what this did.
  2. Ripken Ab something or another.   Picture a very slow American Hammer with Jimmy Dean complaining to return the favor to Ripken.
  3. Flutter Kicks x10 IC
  4. Al Gore – Tree hugging Squats x10 IC
  5. Superman/Sky Diver x10 (because our fronts weren’t wet?  Thanks Banjo)
  6. Merkins
  7. Leg Lifts
  8. Homer to Marge x10 IC
  9. 90 second plank – is it easy to plank when you are as vertically challenged as Six Pack.
  10. Squats


  • Homeless Kitchen renovation this weekend.  Volunteer and Donate
  • 1 year convergence on 3/31.  Be there and bring friends.


  • Prayers for Papa Smurf’s daughter getting married this weekend
  • Subsequent prayers for Papa Smurf’s wallet
  • All of the unspoken prayers

As an ending note, it is an interesting fact that Pee Wee Herman was arrested in the movie theater in Sarasota, and that Zeus knew the arresting police officer.  Fact.


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