In It For A Minute

Ten Pax showed up for an epic beatdown.  Three even ran a mile to accentuate the pain they foresaw.

5:15 came and the bell was rung.  The Mozy was fast with the usual mixture of comedy and tragedy…not quite a Shakespearean adventure, more like a Monty Python reel of outtakes.

Ripken laid down the theme…heart rate threshold training.  To be the best, you have to beat the best.  You will be what others will not be, if you do what others will not do.  The goal was to approach your lactic threshold, the point where you want to splash merlot and your body goes anaerobic, and stay one beat below that.

Three rounds of hell.  All exercises were one minute with no rest between

Round 1 (5 minutes)- Hit the floor, Power knees, Crab kicks, High knees with twist and Push up Jacks.

Round 2 (8 minutes)- Round 1 + Ski jumps, Mummy kicks and the dreaded Snowboard Tail Grabs.

Round 3 (10 minutes) 10 suicides on the basketball court on the minute.  First lap was done in 39 seconds, 21 seconds to rest.  Second finish in 42 seconds, only 18 seconds to rest…by lap 9 we only had 9 seconds to rest before the lap 10 started.  To Ripken’s dismay, no one splashed merlot, but several claimed to choke down a little bile at the end. Ah, small victories!

Praises for the homeless kitchen.  Wilson said if we want to go one day, he could make a monster load of jambalaya, the Pax could help cook/serve and eat dinner with the patrons.  It would be another great showing.  We will plan this for a Thursday evening in the near future.  Possibly Maudy Thursday???  Also, the book of John chapter 17 is the longest prayer of Jesus recorded…read it, it will change you.

Prayers for Papa’s daughter who is getting married this week.  Fortunately all the F3 training will keep Papa from passing out walking her down the aisle.  He should put an F3 sticker on his tux and represent!

Don’t miss Friday at NBP…Zeus VQ!