Airborne!! Tower Dora Workout

Good morning Sarasota, the Suncoast!! This morning was cool and breezy since the humidity seems to be largely absent and it is more Michigan and less Florida right now around here. YHC arrived early and hit the tower planting the cards on each level providing direction on the activities that await the Pax in just …

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The “B” Q

Weather: temp was 71F and dew point 70F. Yes, it’s FL and yes, it’s humid. Let’s run! Pre-run: YHC launched at 0410 for a quick 3+miler to get the blood flowing. Upon circle-back, met up with FIAB, Bing and Ripken for a loop ‘o the lake. Fellowship pace was rather quick and the chatter was thick. So, …

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Post Easter Bunny Tuesday

Conditions 58 with low humidity! Mozi normal great stuff. High knees, butt kickers, Nur, kerioke and jog. Warm up more usual good stuff. SSH, Strawberry pickers, wind mills, swimmers, arm circles and BBS. The Thang The Pax enjoyed 10 exercises listed below. 20 of each and only 10 burpees. SSH Overhead claps Air Squats LBCs Carolina dry docks Lunges …

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Magic Number 55

In honor of YHC double nickel birthday I figured there was no better way to celebrate than to have the PAX join in with the celebration…. Ripken enticed a group of the PAX to do 5.5 miles as a pre-run to start the festivities. Started off with the core principles and F3 disclaimer then we …

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Carry the CROSS ✝️

Conditions:Windy and warm. 77 degrees and dark. Mozi  Since we had an FNG…. “jail break” up to the top of the tower we went for our Mozi. Warm up Side straddle hops, wind mills,swimmers, arm circles, imperial Walkers and yes…. Bad back stretches The Thang Time for the super Dora. We picked a gloom partner …

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Too Much Truck

Weather: a bit on the chilly side (58F) with dew point in the upper 40s. Basically, a good day for a run. Welcome: As there was no pre-run this gloom, at 0515, YHC greeted the pax and away we went. The Thang: Nothing too complicated, nor too bold, simply 7-ish miles at easy pace with 2 x 1-mile …

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2 Year Anniversary

Weather: Absolutely glorious With the much anticipated 2-year convergence upon us, the parking lot filled up quick and the mumble chatter was high as the pax eagerly anticipated what is about to take place..and it was great! YHC shared with the disclaimer and a quick welcome to our 2 FNG (Termite and Zima) and our …

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Salty Salsa Breakfast Bump and Run

With Severe Storms just north of us lighting up the skies we started of with our Core Principles and Disclaimers before our Mosy Mosy began with a couple of loops around the parking lot doing butt kickers, karaokes and nur’s. We circled up for for some SSH’s , strawberry pickers and Imp walkers. The Thang …

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Record 23 Pax for a weekday!!!

Conditions  64, clear and dark. No FNGs, Chore principals and disclaimers declared! Mozi We did the circle lap withe the usual mozi stuff… Nur, buttkickers,high knees, skips and keriokes. Warm up Ssh, Strawberry pickers,swimmers,arm circles,merkins, mountain climbers and bad back stretches. The Thang We did 10 exercises, the board looked easy enough… but easy was …

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