Magic Number 55

In honor of YHC double nickel birthday I figured there was no better way to celebrate than to have the PAX join in with the celebration….

Ripken enticed a group of the PAX to do 5.5 miles as a pre-run to start the festivities.

Started off with the core principles and F3 disclaimer then we headed off for a 2 lap mosy around the parking lot doing some high knees, karaokes, toy soldiers and a final sprint back to the starting point where we had a large circle.

Time to start the 55’s…

In the warm up circle we did 11 reps of 5 exercises (SSH’s, Imp walkers, Windmills, Strawberry Pickers and LBC’s) and then headed off to the basket courts for the THANG


Due to the large number of PAX we split into 2 with half starting at station 1 and half at station 3

There were 5 Stations set up in the far corners of the 4 basketball courts

4 stations have 5 exercises doing 11 reps of each.

1 station in the middle for burpees

Each time around you did one exercise in the station and then onto the next station…

Station 1 –

Merkins, CDD, Shoulder Taps, Donkey Kicks, Hand Release Merkins

Side Shuffle to station 2

Station 2 –

Squats, Jump Squats, Bobby Hurley, Lt Dan’s, Monkey Humpers

Bear Crawl to Middle – 5 burpees – Crab walk to Station 3

Station 3 –

BB Sit Ups, LBC’s, American Hammers, Flutters, Freddy Mercuries

Sprint to Station 4

Station 4 –

Box Cutters, Hello Dolly’s, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters

Bear Crawl to the middle – 5 burpees – crab walk to station 1

Rinse and repeat 4 more time….


As if YHC had perfectly planned it most PAX completed it exactly at 6am….. 🙂 luck is always good…



Reminder about the 2nd F tonight at Rusty Bucket at 6pm

We have races coming up … Gator Wilderness this weekend….. Sup and Run 5/25 and Ragnar in Dec… we still need a few more for the 4th team in Dec…

Prayers for a client of Six Pack who family needs prayers and support due to the tragic loss of his life.

Make sure you reach out to our PAX and friends who you have not heard from and make sure they are doing Ok….

“Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.” – Unknown

You reaching out to that person could be the start to life getting better for them.