2 Year Anniversary

Weather: Absolutely glorious

With the much anticipated 2-year convergence upon us, the parking lot filled up quick and the mumble chatter was high as the pax eagerly anticipated what is about to take place..and it was great!

YHC shared with the disclaimer and a quick welcome to our 2 FNG (Termite and Zima) and our DR guest, Crablegs from F3 Naperville and we were off for a quick mosey including high knees, butt kickers and carioca x2, ending in our first COP of the morning.

We were to have 4 total Circle of Pain to start the workout, each representing the first 4 rings of the relationship Concentrica.  The bullseye, representative of the relationship with your M, the MOST important relationship was first, as it should be.  It is this relationship that requires the most focus and effort as it the relationship given to you by Sky Q and needs to be treated as such.  Being the bullseye, it requires the most practice and focus, and the most amount of arrows from your quiver to be successful.  Exercises here included:

  • SSH x25 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x15 IC
  •  LBCs x15 IC

After a short mosey, we arrived at our second ring of the concentrica, the second most important relationship, your shorties/2.0s.  This is a vertical relationship that requires your time and attention as you show your 2.0s the right way to live.  It is also a relationship of sacrifice, as you will sacrifice any amount of money or time to provide what is right for your 2.0s.  This is a relationship that cannot be taken away, as you will always be their father, but it is a relationship that requires a great amount of time.  Exercises here included:

  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Carolina Dry Docks x10 IC
  • Burpees x10 OYO
  • Squats x15 OYO

Another mosey took us to our third ring of the concentrica, the relationship with your shield lock/your whetstone relationships.  These are the relationships granted to us with the success of F3 in the Suncoast.  This is the relationship that affords us to become stronger in our relationships with our Ms and 2.0s.  Pushes us to be held accountable for all that we are committed to, and gives us the strength we need to get closer to Sky Q.  This is a vertical relationship as we view one another as equals and provide one another with support in life.  Exercises here include all PARTNER type exercises including:

  • Partner Merkins x15
  • Partner Carry x2 per pax
  • Dora 10-20-30 – A modified Dora in which Partner 1 runs until Partner 2 completes their set.
    • 10 Shoulder Taps (count on one shoulder)
    • 20 LBCs
    • 30 – Squats

The last and final concentrica ring is that of the relationship with work. Often the easiest relationship to apply too much time and effort towards, but is the relationship that provides the least of the other 3 in terms of value and strengthening.  This is a relationship that we must keep in line so as to not harm the relationship with your M and shorties.  The exercises in this circle included:

  • Burpees x10 OYO
  • N’ktare Ndyaes – x10 OYO
  • Captain Thor to 4

In order to learn more about the concentrica relationships, feel free to listen to this 25 minute Podcast by Dredd, one of the co-founders of F3.

It was time to turn over the reigns to the F3 Suncoast Weasel Shaker to continue this great beatdown celebration.  In Drake fashion, the bluetooth speaker appeared and it tuned into a fine rendition of THUNDER STRUCK.  SSH until the word THUNDER. Each Thunder = 1 Burpee.  The pax were happy to hear the final notes of the song.

Next up was an escalator themed beatdown.  Starting at the first set of cones, perform a set of exercises.  Mode of transportation to the next set and increase the count by said quantities.  3 rounds were done, including:

  • Merkins/Bear Crawl
  • LBCs/Crab Walk
  • Jump Squats/Frog Jump

Drake encouraged the Pax to look at the army of men that surrounds them today.  This army of men needs to continue to find opportunities to give back to our communities and make a greater impact.  The role of F3 is to create leaders and every person in the group has the ability to bring an idea/cause to the group and lead that mission.

Welcome both Termite and Zima!



  • Volunteers needed for Ronald McDonald house outing in early June – HC now (and many did)
  • April Iron sharpens Iron conference
  • Have any ideas for the group, reach out to a Q or leadership for helps on next steps
  • HC for Ragnar – many more signed up today and are nearing completion of our 4th team
  • Termite – help with running a miniature golf opportunity


  • For the F3 Suncoast pax in the great work over the past 2 years
  • For the family of Christina Latini – Sweettooth, as they honor her life at the Sweettooth 8k today
  • For Recall’s 2.0 starting pre-school
  • Praise for the birth of GoDaddy’s 2.0
  • Trumps Shoulder – Making his shoulder great again
  • Rowdy’s prayers for possible year long mission work and fund raising
  • Zeus’ foot
  • First responders
  • Prayers for Lambeau’s M and her battles with MS
  • other spoken and unspoken prayers

It is always an honor to share this journey with all of you and I am really excited about what the future holds for this group! Thank you all!!

~Bing Out