Too Much Truck

Weather: a bit on the chilly side (58F) with dew point in the upper 40s. Basically, a good day for a run.

Welcome: As there was no pre-run this gloom, at 0515, YHC greeted the pax and away we went.

The Thang: Nothing too complicated, nor too bold, simply 7-ish miles at easy pace with 2 x 1-mile pick-ups at Gridlock marathon pace. YHC, Defib and Rowdy partook of this option. The course chosen was south over the bridge into Waterlefe with a circle at the 6-mile round-about. As we neared the round-about, YHC informed Defib and Rowdy that we were about to pick-up the pace by 1-minute per mile. At that point, Rowdy responded, “I thought we already picked-up the pace!” It was funny, then YHC really did pick-up the pace. The 3 pax pushed through the entire mile with minimal damage. As we approached Ft Hamer Bridge from the south, YHC was alerted that a Strava segment was fast approaching. YHC and Defib decided to go for it, ultimately taking 2nd and 3rd on the segment. It was a personal best for YHC by nearly 30-seconds. The Green Bridge beatdowns must be working.

Jimmy Dean and Lambeau took a slightly different approach, running and intermittently working-in some standard F3 exercises.

All pax made it back to the parking lot. It was good.

The best part of the beatdown, though, came when one of the pax decided to crack on guys with “too much truck” for their given situation. Ripken was mentioned as an example. Why does a financial guy need that much truck? Great question. Could it be to offset “not enough truck” in other regions of the body? Jimmy Dean was proudly sporting his finely detailed F150, surely he took notice too. If there’s an “appropriate amount of truck” guide for a given profession, YHC would like to review it before buying a truck. Just the right amount of truck seems sensible.


  1. 2-yr anniversary convergence Mar 30.
  2. Number of local road trail races coming up.

Praises / Requests:

  1. First responders.
  2. Rowdy’s situation with girlfriend’s friend seems to have made a move in a positive direction.
  3. Gridlock’s in-laws.

Thankful for the opportunity to Q a great group of pax.

“To do what others cannot do, do what others will not do.”
