Banjo Bear Slammer

Weather:  Temperature: 70 degrees F / Humidity 93% / Wind:  SSE 7mph   The air was filled with excitement from this past Saturdays “SUPER HERO 5K RACE” in support of our very own Gridlock’s (Danny Jones) foundation “Bridge of Life”.  It was great seeing how strong of a presence of F3 was there to support …

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New “Bing Deck”

Conditions Oh my!!! 55 and stars… incredible morning. Mozi We did one lap around w the usual mozi stuff, Nur,high knees,butt kickers, kerioke…… Warm up SSHops, mountain climbers, Strawberry pickers, imperial Walkers, merkins,SSHops again and last but not least, bad back stretches. The Thang We started with an 11. Shoulder taps and leg lifts Then we hit …

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Triathlon & the King of Pop

Ripken hit a 2 mile pre-run to get the blood flowing.  ShamWow showed up early too, but decided to meditate over his coffee instead of run. The weather was perfect, and the night was still starry.  No bugs, no humidity…why were so many Pax fartsacking?  Trump made a late appearance, but never got out of …

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The weather was great for a Saturday Morning Beatdown. As the PAX became rolling in your could clearly notice that there we quite a few new faces that were new, which is always a great thing. The PAX were 25 strong including 5 FNG’s some which came to us thru Bayside Community Church’s small group …

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Unconditional Surrender: Over and Back

Temperature: A perfect 62 degrees. Welcome: We had 10 Eager Pax arrive at the base of the statue, the early morning chatter was thanks expressed for the lack  of rain and cold weather. We circled up for the principles and mosied to the base of the bridge. Warmups: sshx10, windmillsx10, LBC’sx10 The Thang: We mosied …

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