Unconditional Surrender: Over and Back

Temperature: A perfect 62 degrees.

Welcome: We had 10 Eager Pax arrive at the base of the statue, the early morning chatter was thanks expressed for the lack  of rain and cold weather. We circled up for the principles and mosied to the base of the bridge.

Warmups: sshx10, windmillsx10, LBC’sx10

The Thang:

We mosied up the bridge halting at every other street light for ten merkins and 10 LBC’s ,this was repeated at every other street light as you mosied. At the top of the bridge, pax completed one last set and then mosied down the other side of bridge. Thank you to Lonestar for heading back up and picking up the six. Once the six was in. We made an abrupt u-turn and headed back up the bridge again halting at every other street light, completing a round of 10 Carolina dry docks followed by ten squats and ten Imperial walkers. Once round was completed the mosey continued up the bridge and was repeated at every other street light. Once at the top, pax completed one last round and mosied down the other half of the bridge. Thank you to Mopar for bringing in the six on this side of the bridge. It was now time to head back to Unconditional. Pax lined up and we Indian ran our way back. Once back at the entrance to the parking lot, pax dug deep and ended in a strong mosey to the statue. With 5 minutes left we completed the thang with  a round of mary and headed to the circle for announcements and prayer.

Announcements: Bridge a Life Feb. 16th, Gator run coming up, Veterans breakfast at DFW on Tuttle Sunday morning. Revive outreach Saturday at 9 at Sarasota Christian School.

Prayer requests: Papa Smurf’s M has loss of hearing and will require surgery. Trump needs to hire good employees, Saturday outreach.

Thankful for the Pax that joined this morning. Always a pleasure to be on the verge of splashing with my fellow F-3 brothers.