Where the Sidewalk Ends

Weather: perfect day for a run. Temps in low 60s with a slight breeze from the Northwest. Dew Point in the upper 50s. Couldn’t ask for much better. Welcome: at exactly 0515, YHC thanked the good Lord for another day, for family, friends and good health. YHC thought about engaging the group of homeless folks …

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QSource | Q1.1 DRP

QSource | Q1.1 DRP Weather | 62° F | Humidity 100% | Wind: 0mph 8 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.1: DRP (Daily Red Pill). Q1.1| DRP Statement The Daily Commitment To Accelerate Fitness Fellowship And Faith Scripture Proverbs 25:28 (NIV) Like a city …

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Salty Salsa Breakfast Bump and Run

With Severe Storms just north of us lighting up the skies we started of with our Core Principles and Disclaimers before our Mosy Mosy began with a couple of loops around the parking lot doing butt kickers, karaokes and nur’s. We circled up for for some SSH’s , strawberry pickers and Imp walkers. The Thang …

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What a beautiful morning it was. Low 70’s to start Mid 80’s at the end. Sunny, wet grass and 10 H.I.M posted at Lion Pride. 7am-5 core principals, disclaimer…let’s Mozy on up featuring Nurr, High Knees, Butt Kickers & Karaoke. Rowdies 30 minutes- Partner up for a DORA with Mother/Grandmother Hill option. 300 Murkins, 200 …

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Drake’s Dastardly Deeds

Conditions: 64 and clear 2 FNGs welcome Chef and Pusher!  Core principles and disclaimer shared.   Mozi We departed from the pavilion and headed towards the dog bridge. High knees and butt-kickers added for seasoning. Warm-up Circledup across from the dog run and commenced with: 25 4 count SSH 10 2 count squats 30 Moroccan …

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Record 23 Pax for a weekday!!!

Conditions  64, clear and dark. No FNGs, Chore principals and disclaimers declared! Mozi We did the circle lap withe the usual mozi stuff… Nur, buttkickers,high knees, skips and keriokes. Warm up Ssh, Strawberry pickers,swimmers,arm circles,merkins, mountain climbers and bad back stretches. The Thang We did 10 exercises, the board looked easy enough… but easy was …

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QSource | Q1 Get Right

QSource | Q1 Get Right Weather | 70° F | Humidity 93% | Wind: 5mph E 5 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. Ripken was solo at AP, nonetheless enjoyed a lively discussion with nature about leadership. Thanks Ripken for manning the Pavilion! Even if you have never posted to a 3rd F study before, …

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