Triple Sky Fall

Last Day of February! No Leap Year this year.

11 pax started off the morning and we finished with 11!

Warm Up:

  • Started off with a little quarter mile mosey
  • Circle up
    • Strawberry Pickers
    • Squats
    • Windmills
    • Arm Circles
  • Run to the park

The Thang!

In honor of February 28, we went ahead and used 28.

20 seconds of doing said exercise, 8 seconds of rest/transition to next exercise. 6 exercises, 3 rounds

Start with hardest form, go easier if need to

  1. Power Squats (Start with Jump Squats, go to regular if need be)
  2. Power Pushups (start with Clap Pushups if possible, plyo pushups, normal pushups)
  3. Mountain Climbers
  4. Dips (start with legs out, bring it in as it gets harder)
  5. Planks
  6. Inverted Rows (start with legs out, bring it in as it gets harder)

Thang 2:

Run to the top of the bridge. Partner up.

  • One Partner runs 2 lights poles and then back
  • the other partner either holds a plank, does SSH or LBC’s until partner is done running.
  • Before they switch they both do a TRIPLE SKY FALL
    • Triple Sky Fall is a Jumping Lunge into a Tuck Jump into a burpee
  • 3 Rounds each

Indian Run Back to the statue (Slater was hoping to imitate the statue pose with Clutch…..I didn’t allow that this time)

Finished up with a squat hold or plank for the last 3 minutes and every time a car passed we did a triple sky fall


Good Work Men! Slater shared on Tuesday how important it is to have people surrounding us to hold us accountable. Super important, because with that we also need those people to help push us to keep going when we want to give up. We need to push each other in the times that get tough. There are a lot of Pax that have some difficult things going on. It’s easy to just want to stop and give up. Lets be the one that’s encouraging others to keep going!


Prayer/ Announcements:

2 year anniversary – Saturday March 30, 7AM – 6:15AM

  • Races coming up
  • Pray for Defib’s son sickness
  • Pray for Diesel’s wife’s surgery coming up
  • Pray for some pax up in Toledo (Jennay’s crew) wives have cancer