Mot Def Poi

Weather: Perfect — 50F. Pre-run: Several pax got in a pre-run. From what YHC could tell, Mr. Clean, Lancelot, Ripken, and Trump all made the gloom runner friendly (sorry if I left anyone out). Welcome: The parking lot filled-up quickly as YHC put the finishing touches on the beatdown (20 pax in all). At exactly 0515, YHC stated …

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White Flag Beatdown

Weather: Perfect — 55F. Pre-run: YHC and Defib commenced a pre-run at the lovely moment of 3:44. The Rx was a warm-up, 3×1200-meters at HMp with 2-minutes rest after each rep followed by 4×400-meters at 5Kp. We finished with a 1-mile cooldown. It was fun, and no, we didn’t see any action on the “sex bench,” Ripken. …

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QIC: chilipepper 16 Pax in attendance: Not It, Thor, 6Pac, Wallberger, Pincher, Bing, Skimmer, Scrum, Trump, Baron, Goliath, 8Ball, Samwow, Recall, Jimmy Dean, Menzel, Great weather, 65 and low humidity! Covered the 5 Core Principles, and headed out with a Mozy, nur, butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle.  At the bridge, SSH, strawberry pickers, Static …

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The Randomizer

Weather: cold (for FL, 55F) and blustery with a steady drizzle. Yes, perfectly random conditions for a random beatdown. Pre-run: YHC considered not posting until just before 0515 beatdown, but saw Ripken’s feeler for an 0420 pre-run. YHC decided to posted for the pre-run, but then became reluctant given the cold and damp conditions. Once out …

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Round Robin at Celery Fields

Temp 64 and breezy.  Nice morning for a three man beatdown, Diesel, Snapshot and Steel. Diesel started off with a mosey down Palmer Blvd with high knees, butt kickers, carokee each way, and nur.  We then did some ssh, strawberries,  and stretching.   Back down Palmer with toy soldiers, hillbillies, and nur. Snapshot took us up …

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Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Bridge, Repeats

Weather: Overcast and 66.  Long Sleeve weather for this northern transplant….. Pax: Ricky Bobby, ShamWow, Goob, Crabcakes, Lambeau, Wilson, Sparky With YHC in full taper and scheduled for a rest day, it was determined that the PAX was free to do whatever they wanted this morning. As they departed the parking lot, everyone decided on …

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Handclaps are easy?

Saturday 11/9 Conditions Rainy (wet) 68 degrees….. rain or shine Chore principal and disclaimers and we were rocking!!! Mozi We headed toward the dog park on a F3 jog pace which included  Nur, high knees, butt kickers and kerioke.  We made a u turn about half way and jogged to the BBall court for our warm …

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F3 Suncoast Honors Veterans Day

Date: 11/11/2019 Weather: 62 degrees, clear QIC: Manziel Pax: Ace, Big Mac, Bing, Goob, Lancelot, Manziei, Pincher, Ricky Bobby, Ripken, ShamWow, Sniper Today is Veterans Day, but since it’s also a Monday we had the usual 5.15 beatdown. We should do this every day, but today’s beatdown took on some extra meaning as we honored …

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A cool and breezy (not) workout

4937DB35-F7F4-4C31-84A7-60B392366282 12 showed up for a nice 63 degree start for Clearwater F3, led by Tar Heel and Spicy Chicken Latte. The Pax took a brief mozy to the ‘place’ where the action happens. Following the introduction and covering the F3 Principles and Disclaimer, the Pax started with a few stretching and warm-up exercises. 20x …

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Let’s get a little Savage

Friday Morning. November 8th, NBP in Sarasota. The temps are perfect at 71 degrees and the humidity is low for the Gloom. This should prove to be a great morning for the Gloom I have planned for the Pax. Pre Run Warm Up: I arrive early and start my Pre Run Warm up as usual …

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