
QIC: chilipepper

16 Pax in attendance: Not It, Thor, 6Pac, Wallberger, Pincher, Bing, Skimmer, Scrum, Trump, Baron, Goliath, 8Ball, Samwow, Recall, Jimmy Dean, Menzel,

Great weather, 65 and low humidity!

Covered the 5 Core Principles, and headed out with a Mozy, nur, butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle.  At the bridge, SSH, strawberry pickers, Static Salsa Dips with Chip Reach.

So I spent the week up in Boston, 14 degree weather so this Chilipepper is frozen.  Extended Mozy for some unthawing!  Starting with Bridge deep squats (holding on to rail deep squat, side step, repeat) for the entire ridge.  We then planked for the 6 and performed the following:

  • 24 Pickle pushers
  • Trail Run
  • Plank for the 6
  • 24 big boy sit-up
  • Trail Run
  • Plank for the 6
  • 24 mountain climbers
  • Trail Run
  • Reverse plank for the 6
  • Lunge the bridge
  • Plank for the 6
  • Indian run

1.8 Miles completed!  Once back, we got our gear and in reminiscence of the IronPax we did the following.   Let the defrosting begin!

6 Rounds

  • 24 knuckle dragger Squats
  • 24 Hand Release Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunge Steps (count right leg only)
  • 800 ft run

3+ mile run.  Great job Pax, it was a push.


  • Ragnar coming up
  • Brutus Q of salvation army Dec 12th.  Background checks needed. Ask for John, he has large hands.
  • Ronald McDonald House, Dec 17th.  Mr Clean on Q!
  • Trump Thanks Giving Special tonight!


Praised and Prayer Requests

  • Bings 2.0 opera solo performance was a hit!
  • 8Ball’s mother in law in the hospital.  Also prayers for his family as his mother passed recently.
  • Continued prayers for our country and all those who server and protect.