Your Name Is Your Beatdown

Saturday 1.18.2020  60 degrees. I arrived early at Celery Fields to a group of cyclers headed out for a cruise.  Hang Ten approached me as he was getting ready to head out with them.  Prayers for their safe return. The 7:00 o’clock bell rang and I was by myself.  Took a mosey around the outside …

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Pumped up! Rucked Up!

Here we go on a Friday morning, welcome to NBP and the Gloom!! It is a perfect 67 degrees outside and the humidity will lend to to the sweat we are going to earn this morning. I do not get in a full pre run this morning instead I set the rucks and necessary other …

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“Hamering one out” for the Road

Someone Pre-runned, came in to see how many cars pulled  w/ boat trailers or how many cars that have been branded by the “Bing Kool-Aid”. 66 ° – HUMID            Q: Lancelot                Pax:  Goob, Lambaugh, Jimmy Dean, & Sham Wow  Happy to have the 5 come in and start the day with a “Wet & Wild” Run. …

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And Then There Were 4

Good Morning F3 Suncoast! Waterfront, Paradise, and 67 degrees…perfect for a morning beatdown. Thursday Morning. Unconditional Surrender in Sarasota. The temps are perfect at 67 degrees and the humidity is low for the Gloom. This should prove to be a great morning for the Gloom I have planned for the Pax. Pre Run Warm Up: …

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Anyone up to for Burpee challenge?

Q: Chilipepper AP, Sir Wallace CF! PAX in attendance: Cotton Tail, Stage Coach, Recall, Ibeam, Shamwow, Lambo, Sparky, Quick Draw, Tex, Rock, Yamaha, Nitro, Bing, Bolt, Wilford. 5 core principles were shared.  Pax was informed that same beatdown was occurring at Celery Fields, same time same exercises. The Mozy!  Mozied and mixed in some Nur, …

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That wasn’t so bad!

It was a glorious morning. Breezy but not windy. Perfect 71degrees with just the right humidity. Thank You God for such a morning! 515am – Greeting, Disclaimer, Brief Description of events. 517-525am – Warm up of Dynamic Stretches. Strawberry Pickers (IK), Windmills (IK), Agitators, Arm Circles and Michael Phelps. 525-531 – Big Sexy Mozy! Pickle …

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I’m putting down vinyl flooring right now and hating you…..

Was the text message I received this morning at 11:28am from one of the PAX who attended the Monday morning beatdown at AP.  I’d say he had a great time and the workout was challenging and beneficial. I wish I could take credit for the Q but I can’t.  They say “Imitation is the best …

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100 Burpees Challenge RESULTS

18 PAX:   …………………   TIME: Sir Wallace  …………………….  6:40 Goob  ……………………………..  7:20 Chili Pepper ……………………. 8:04 Yamaha ………………………….. 8:59 Spackler …………………………. 9:28 Sparky ………………………….. 10.25 Recall ……………………………. 11:55 Stagecoach …………………….. 12:10 Diesel ……………………………. 12:22 Bing ………………………………. 12:32 Woodford ………………………. 12:50 Snapshot(slightly modified) 14:34 i-Beam …………………………… 15:00 Tex ………………………………… 16:26 Lambeau ………………………… 17:26 Rock ………………………………. …

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Burpee Beatdown

Timed 100 Burpees Challenge 73 degrees with 91% humidity Pax: welcomed F3 Spackler from S. Carolina, Diesel, Snapshot, Sir Wallace – went over the F3 Mission and core principles – 20 min warmup Mozy around the hill and back, performed the following: 10 inward hip rotations, 10 outward hip rotations (each side) 10 forward arm …

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What…no Tower?

18 H.I.M showed up for a windy but delightful morning. 65-70, windy as heck. 515- Welcome, core principals, disclaimer, explanation of events 520-530- Dynamic Stretching w/ 20 arm circles each direction, 10 Michael Phelps, 10 Agitators, 10 Reach for the Stars, 10 Good Mornings, Mozy w/ butt kickers, Nur, karaoke 530-550- D.O.R.A – 9pairs – …

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