Burpee Beatdown

Timed 100 Burpees Challenge

73 degrees with 91% humidity

Pax: welcomed F3 Spackler from S. Carolina, Diesel, Snapshot, Sir Wallace

– went over the F3 Mission and core principles

– 20 min warmup
Mozy around the hill and back, performed the following:

10 inward hip rotations, 10 outward hip rotations (each side)

10 forward arm circles, 10 backward arm circles

1 minute invisible jump rope

1 minute LBC’s

4 minutes of various stretches

10 air squats

10 walk-out Merkins

10 deep reverse lunge to knee raise (each leg)

Quick water break then set time clock.


– Overall Fitness Test by way of Burpees

Each Pax powered through 100 burpees, keeping an eye out for proper form. Times were recorded. Various exercises were performed until all pax finished.

– quick water break then circled up

– 10 min Cool Down routine
Alternating planks, tricep dips (palms on bench), LBS’s, Dry docks, full body stretches, flutter kicks

– Circle of Trust

announcements : charity clay shoot Jan.25 at Knights Trail Park 3445 Rustic Rd. Nokomis from 8am to about noon. $125 includes lunch & raffle ticket. Contact Robbie for more info 941-809-3760

praises: great job for those holding true to their prayer and fast commitments

prayers: Healing for Ripken’s M, to all the Pax dealing with loss, and for the strength to hold true to the Word of God.

Always a pleasure and an honor,

Sir Wallace