What…no Tower?

18 H.I.M showed up for a windy but delightful morning. 65-70, windy as heck.

515- Welcome, core principals, disclaimer, explanation of events

520-530- Dynamic Stretching w/ 20 arm circles each direction, 10 Michael Phelps, 10 Agitators, 10 Reach for the Stars, 10 Good Mornings, Mozy w/ butt kickers, Nur, karaoke

530-550- D.O.R.A – 9pairs – 4movements, upper body (200 Merkins), lower body (200 Jump  Squats), core (200 L.B.C’s) and full body (*50 Navy S.E.A.L.S*)*brand new movement devised by Rowdy, yer welcome!! 4run options, big loop around the whole base, intermediate loop across the front, lil’ loop around the sidewalk or across the lot n back. MODIFY AS NECESSARY!!

550-555- Static Stretching w/ arms across chest, elbow to back, big back stretch, cross legs hammies, quad stretch and groin stretch

555-600- Core Circle w/ The Cross, 20 (Chillipepper), Plank Crunch?, 20 (Hang 10), Flutter Kicks, 20 (Sir Wallace)

C.O.T- Announcements – Snipers Clay Pigeon Shoot Fundraiser, Bridge a Life Superhero 5k

*Praises for a strong start to a new decade! Praises for health and family and life and our Lords blessings over us!

Prayer Requests – *Apologies for last nights misprint* Yamaha had his best friend pass and his family needs lifted up!* Ripkens M and his family as they battle with cancer, Tranes M and his family as they battle with cancer as well as Goobs homey Ben and his family as they battle also. “Lord we thank You in advance for what You’re going to do there! we thank You in advance for the healing You’re going to bring on and the strength You’re going to bring these families! we thank You in advance for being the hands and mind of all the doctors involved and the breakthroughs You’re going to reveal! thank You Lord in Jesus name! Amen!” Hang 10’s family is short one after complications from a brain aneurysm and he and his M will be traveling for the funeral so…”Lord we thank You for the strength and healing You’re providing this family and taking their grief on You’re mighty shoulders. we humbly pray protection for Hang 10 and his M as they travel for the funeral, as well as any other family that are traveling, and thank You in advance for their safe passage! in Jesus name, Amen!” As allways let’s never forget to raise up our brothers who are down with injury and pray for healing and rejuvenation, prayers of safety for all traveling pax and their families and last but never least prayers of safety and vigilance for our brave men and women in the Armed Forces as well as First Responders here and abroad w/ special eye on our Sniper, Zeus and Hercules. Prayers for our nation. Amen!

Rowdy out. F3Suncoast. Respect

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