Anyone up to for Burpee challenge?

Q: Chilipepper AP, Sir Wallace CF!

PAX in attendance: Cotton Tail, Stage Coach, Recall, Ibeam, Shamwow, Lambo, Sparky, Quick Draw, Tex, Rock, Yamaha, Nitro, Bing, Bolt, Wilford.

5 core principles were shared.  Pax was informed that same beatdown was occurring at Celery Fields, same time same exercises.

The Mozy! 

Mozied and mixed in some Nur, hgih seenk, ttub srekciK, side shuffle.  Circled up and did the following:

  • 10 inward hip rotations,
  • 10 outward hip rotations (each side)
  • 10 forward arm circles,
  • 10 backward arm circles
  • 2 minutes invisible jump rope

Mozie Part Due.  Continued via Indian line circling up in the echo chamber where we:

  • 10 walk-out Merkins
  • 10 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
  • 10 deep reverse lunge to knee raise
  • 25 air squats

Pax were instructed in proper burpee execution, timer was set and the burpee challenge began.

If you complete 100 burpees in:

  • 12+ minutes: You’re an athlete in training! Way to work hard, and don’t stop pushing.
  • 10-12 minutes: You’re an athlete! Awesome job getting past those mental blocks.
  • 8-10 minutes: You’re a super athlete! You’re strong and in great conditioning shape.
  • 6-8 minutes: You’re a total badass! You have some serious burpee skills.
  • 4-6 minutes: You’re the ultimate badass! Be very, very proud.

Remember, these are loose guidelines—ultimately all that matters is that you work as hard as you can, so don’t worry too much about other people’s times.

Once all finished 100 burpees, with some modification we circled up and,

The Cool down?

  • 20 heels to heaven
  • 10 homer to marge with a upward dog stretch.


Then for some fun, welcome to fight club.

Round 1:  While one pax did cross jabs the rest did hight knees.  On the switch all did a squat and next pas did cross jabs, etc.

Round 2: upper cuts while pax did SSH.

With a few minutes to spare, round of marry comprised of 10 Merkins, 10 Big boy sit-ups.



  • Bridge a Life Superhero 5k,
  • Sarasota Sheriffs Office Clay Pigeon Shoot.

Prayer Requests

  1. Trane’s M and family
  2. Ripken’s M and family
  3. 21 Days of Fasting!
  4. First Responders, Troops, and military!
  5. Stang asking for prays after 10 years of losing his 2.0