Your Name Is Your Beatdown

Saturday 1.18.2020  60 degrees.

I arrived early at Celery Fields to a group of cyclers headed out for a cruise.  Hang Ten approached me as he was getting ready to head out with them.  Prayers for their safe return.

The 7:00 o’clock bell rang and I was by myself.  Took a mosey around the outside of Mount Celery.   Circled back to the parking lot to find Sir Wallace warming up.  We joined up and ran up Mother Hill for the thang.


After a brief explanation, we began.

Spell your full name – first, middle, last and F3 name.

Do the exercise for each letter that spells your name.

After each part of your name, run the top of Mount Celery.

A – Al Gore Hold 1 Minute
B – Box Cutters 15
C – Carolina Drydocks  10
D – Diamond Merkins 10
E – Dying Cockroaches
F – Freddie Mercury’s  15
G – Gorilla Humpers 15
H – Heals to Heaven 20
I – Imperial Walkers  each leg 20
J – Jump Ups, Bobby Hurleys 15
K – Knuckle Merkins 15
L – LBC’s 30
M – Mountain Climbers 20
N – North American Hammers 25
O – Overhead Claps
P – Plank Jack 20
Q – Flutter Qicks each 20
R – Russian Twist 20 **
S – Strawberry Pickers 20
T – Toy Soldiers each leg 20
U – Burpees 10
V – Shoulder Taps ea arm 10
W – Windmills 20
X – Moroccan Nightclubs 30
Y – Monkey Humpers 15
Z – Side Straddle Hops 30

**Russian Twists – American Hammers from squat position

Total: Sir wallace 29 excercises, SnapShot 24 excercises.

Lions: 4

Disclaimer: the idea for this workout was derived from a similar workout posted on the Ragnar 31 Day Challenge.

Bayshore Men’s Night this Friday.
Bridge of Life 5k
All those that did not make it out this morning, you missed a beautiful sunrise.
All if our first responders and military.

It was an honor to lead the two of us, and this will be used again in the future.

Snapshot  ?