Dr T and the Sad Clowns

Weather: Low 60’s and relatively clear skies, minimal humidity (for FL). The pax sauntered-in and it was obvious THE CHAIR had a palpable EH on inquisitive minds, beckoning curious hearts as the 0515 approached. Mumble Chatter oscillated between a fixation on how much running was about to be thrown-down and on how the gloom might …

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Who needs your legs anyway?

Weather: mid-60’s and a moon lit sky. Another great morning is upon us, and the parking lot continues to fill up at our region AOs, a great scene in this #FloridaMiracle region. Disclaimer and Core Principles were shared and off we went on a mozi, in reverse direction including some carioca x2, Toy Soldiers, and …

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Steel City Shaking Off The Rust

Q was to be led by the tourist from Pittsburgh, but he was a no show…so we thought. Drake and Ripken decided to improve.  Ripken led the mozy out with a few Merkins and LBCs thrown in for variety.  High knees, butt kickers, karaokes and skips got us sufficiently warm. The Echo Chamber gave us …

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Tennis Court and ATM Abuse

Weather: Mid-60’s and Gloomy The Pax arrived in force yet again, this time for another beatdown by YHC.  Nolan is possibly one of my favorite AO’s and I welcome the opportunity to put down the pain.  Today’s pain was influenced by a beatdown I received in Winston Salem, and the Pax learned quickly that it …

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Fish out of water

Weather:  Cool 60 degree morning with a full moon lighting the way It was with great honor that I re-introduced the Pax to a great friend who EH’ed YHC into F3 2 1/2 years ago.  FishSticks was man enough to step up and Q the Pax before taking the family onto their next destination, so …

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1 Year Anniversary Convergence and BIG Announcement

Weather:  Does it matter? We always workout outdoors, rain or shine! How does one describe the emotion and excitement leading up to our 1 year anniversary, coupled with the fact that the F3 Nation leadership shared some great news with YHC a day earlier.  This excitement was multiplied by a surprise visit by 2 extremely …

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Wet morning at Nolan

Weather:  Rained all night, but in typical F3 Lakewood Ranch fashion, no rain during the beatdown. Someone is watching over us. No one seemed interested in going for a pre-run, but that would have also caused us to miss Pee Wee Herman, AKA Jimmy Dean arriving on his bike. Seeing this image and hearing the …

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