Steel City Shaking Off The Rust

Q was to be led by the tourist from Pittsburgh, but he was a no show…so we thought.

Drake and Ripken decided to improve.  Ripken led the mozy out with a few Merkins and LBCs thrown in for variety.  High knees, butt kickers, karaokes and skips got us sufficiently warm.

The Echo Chamber gave us a chance to rotate the Q and everyone shout an exercise in cadence to 10 reps.  Scrum & Scuba displayed their military talents in barking some good orders.  And just in the nick of time, FIAB rolled in hot from Holmes Beach.  (FIAB stands for Fart in a Bottle.  Once you meet him, you’ll know why.  He’s too much to be contained.  This man has more energy than Stormy Daniels on the first night of the RNC convention.)

The Thang:
“The Motivator” for those calves! Up to 10 and down to zero.
25 Dirty Dogs- these can sneak up on you!
Singing Planks- so much fun!  (Loved the Navy song about the drinking mouse!)
Black Jack – Merkins / Air Squats- OYO-  Strong effort brothers!

6 Minutes of Mary

25 American Hammer
25 Freddie Mercury’s
24 Hello Dollies

Name-o-rama produced two FNGs, Bobber (Jimmy Dean’s son and avid fisherman) and Merman (Jimmy Dean’s friend who was born in Crystal River).

Prayer request- please pray for Mario – Drake’s 2.0 with possible kidney issues.

Moleskin-  To make an impact in the community/ world three things are required:

1). Vision
2). Recources
3). Work

You have all three in abundance!  Keep it up.
Thank you for allowing me guest Q today at Adventure Park Lakewood Ranch!

FIAB f3 Pittsburgh