1 Year Anniversary Convergence and BIG Announcement

The Pax of F3 Lakewood Ranch

Weather:  Does it matter? We always workout outdoors, rain or shine!

How does one describe the emotion and excitement leading up to our 1 year anniversary, coupled with the fact that the F3 Nation leadership shared some great news with YHC a day earlier.  This excitement was multiplied by a surprise visit by 2 extremely HIM who traveled 14 hours to grace us with their presence.  F3 Lakewood Ranch would have never started without FishSticks aggressive EHing on this sad clown 2 1/2 years ago! It was only fitting to see them this fine morning!

As 7am struck, the disclaimer was shared and the Pax was off for the first ever convergence mozi to date.  This mozi included high knees, butt kickers, carioca x2, Open the Gate, Close the Gate (Groin stretch in honor of Mr. Clean), Nur and a pace increased finish.

COT included the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x10 IC
  • Hello Dolly x10 IC
  • Windmills x10 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Peter Parker x10 IC
  • Monkey Humpers x10 IC (as the drone flew in for a close up)

The Thang:

365 days ago, the concept of disrupting the status quo was introduced to Lakewood Ranch.  I am thrilled to announce that 4 of the 5 initial Pax were in attendance on this great day.  All men, whether they attend multiple times per week, or attend occasionally, have made progress in their fitness.  Today was designed to benchmark that level of fitness with 4 stations spread across a vast field at the AO.  Each station had 3 sets of exercises to be executed, in good form.  Once all 3 exercises were completed, the pax member would run to the next station.  Today was truly about YOU vs YOU.  How many stations can you complete in a 30-minute session.  This will be noted and then measured in year 2, year 3 and beyond.  The Pax counted off in 4s and headed out to begin the challenge. The station were as follows:

Station 1

  • 20 x Merkins
  • 20 x LBCs
  • 20 x Squats

Station 2

  • 20 x Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 x Freddy Mercury
  • 20 x Lunges

Station 3

  • 20 x Alternating Shoulder Taps
  • 20 x Hello Dolly
  • 20 x Al Gore Squats

Station 4

  • 20 x Burpees
  • 20 x Moroccan Night Clubs
  • 20 x Heels to Heaven

The Pax took on the challenge and worked extremely hard for the entire 30 minutes.  Most pax completed between 12 to 16 stations, which is a great showing by everyone in attendance.

With 8-minutes remaining, the Pax circled up for a round of Mary including

  1. Slow up (4 count) and slow down (4 Count)
  2. Supermans IC x10
  3. Windmills IC x10
  4. Merkins IC x10

The Moleskin:

Each and every Pax member was challenged this year to step up (Man Up) and Disrupt The Status Quo and that challenge was met with open arms.  Not only has it been disrupted in the 1st F, but also with the outreach and fellowship amongst all of these fine men.  F3 Lakewood Ranch has made an enormous impact on the community in the following ways:

  1. Homeless kitchen renovation
  2. Snipers Food booth at the County Fair
  3. Adoption and sponsoring of Homeless man for 1 night
  4. Night to Shine Volunteering
  5. Operation Sweet Tooth Toy Drive
  6. Operation Sweet Tooth Backpack Drive
  7. Hurricane Irma Preparation/Cleanup

And countless other things!  Our first 365 days have proven to be monumental, but this is just the beginning.

Due to the great success of F3 Lakewood Ranch, the leadership of the F3 Nation have awarded our Mustard Seed Region with full Region status.  We are the FIRST Mustard Seed Region to graduate through the Mustard Seed program, and I am truly grateful and humbled by all of you in the role you played in helping us earn this status.

The challenge doesn’t end now!  Dig deep into your hearts to find that one outreach program that is calling you.  EH those sad clowns who we feel benefit from the gift of F3 and let’s continue to grow and share what we have all benefited from.

Thank you all for following me on this journey.  I feel truly blessed and am honored to call each and every one of you a friend and brother.

