Who needs your legs anyway?

Weather: mid-60’s and a moon lit sky.

Another great morning is upon us, and the parking lot continues to fill up at our region AOs, a great scene in this #FloridaMiracle region.

Disclaimer and Core Principles were shared and off we went on a mozi, in reverse direction including some carioca x2, Toy Soldiers, and a stop at the most visible corner for 1o monkey humpers IC.  This pax just loves where YHC chooses to do these exercises, so I did not want to let them down.

COP included:

  • SSH – IC x25
  • Windmills – IC x10
  • Strawberry Pickers – IC x10
  • LBCs – IC x10
  • Rosalita – IC x10
  • Round of bad back stretches led by Jimmy Dean

The Thang:

Living in Florida, the opportunity to use a decent sized hill doesn’t happen often (except for at Lion’s Pride of course).  NBD screams for elevation change, whether it be the finishing tower or the many inclines around.  And we found many of them today.

First challenge was BurpBack Mountain on the steep hill next to the parking lot. Partner up and do 100 combined burpees, one partner runs up and down hill x5, facing in same direction both ways (backwards UP the hill) while the other does burpees.  Rotate after 5 sets of runs were done.  This proved to be a crowd favorite.

Second nasty challenge was a round of 7s, but utilizing the FULL finishing tower.  Merkins at the bottom with LBCs at the top.  We can call this a vertical 7!  This one will leave a mark for quite some time.



The Pax endured a truly ugly abuse of the legs today, but one that will make us all stronger!  I am often humbled and impressed with the drive of this group of men. Once arriving at home, Ripken

sent me a photo of his legs still shaking, and yes, those really are his pants.


  • Praise report on Mario, Drake’s son, getting a clean bill of health
  • Prayers for The Rock
  • Prayers for those pax that are injured
  • Prayers for the pax who are battling marriage issues and are slipping into isolation because of it.  Men, we are all here to support one another, reach out!


  • Not many shared because we were all too tired!
  • Crawfish Boil – End of May – HC with Wilson
  • SUP/Run 5k – Register and use F3 code

Great job men!  We battled a lot of up and downs today, but all conquered them!  Do the same in our daily lives and you will be successful, with the help of God.