20 meter stroll at Adventure Park

Weather was 72 degrees and moist with light rain in the air.                                                  Warm up- Mosie jog around the parking lot of the adventure with butt kickers, skips and left and right side karaoke.

Circle up for side straddle hops 20IC, strawberry pickers 10IC  merkins 10IC

Work out- Nike Yo-yo consisting of from a standing start, running 20 meters (65’) to a red light and running back within 14 seconds. The time would decrease on each round. Once back you had to do 1 burpee and wait for next round (10 second). If at any point you could not make it back before the time limit you had to skip the next round and do 5 merkins till the next round. We went 15 rounds with the final round having to sprint from point to point within 9 seconds.

Part 2- Using Morgan Wallens song “Up Down” we did walking lunges in a circle to the song until the course said “Up Down” at which time you had to do three air squats (total of 30).

Part 3- Second round of the yo yo test but this time you had to nur back to the starting point once you reached the red light. Still doing one burpee between rounds and merkins if you didn’t make it back.

Part-3 Second round of “Up Down” song but this time we did a walking lunge in a circle with three side straddle hops every Up Down course total of 30.

Part 4- Core 250 which is 250 core exercises in 5 mins. 25 reps of left side LBC’s, right side LBC’s, regular LBC’s, fludder kicks, leg lifts, 6” plank, Freddy Mercury’s, left and right side side leg lifts.

Part 5- Round O merry. Merkins, American Hammers, Carolina dry docks, super man sky divers, rope climbs and dying cockroaches.

Prayer/Praises-Diesel’s father has shown improvement, continued prayers.

Hercules and Sniper safe travel to conference.

Prayers for Amazon.

Announcements-Assist with parking prior to 5K SUP/RUN

Twin Lakes Park test site for future AO.