Super Easy Beatdown

Conditions 43 and low humidity w no wind! (Just incredible) 12 Men somehow dug in deep and pulled the”FartSack” covers off and rode out into the Chilly Gloom. Bing, Sparky,Ripken and BIGMAC all showed up early for a 2-3mile pre run! Mozi  2 laps including the usual stuff… butt kickers, high knee,kerioke,and Nur X2. Warmup Ssh, …

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A Case of the Mondays (or, a really lame title)

Weather: 62 degrees with very light drizzle (sometimes) The first post-Ragnar beatdown attracted 10 pax to Adventure Park, including a few who apparently didn’t think they tore up their bodies enough over the weekend. No FNGs, so the disclaimer was quick before getting into action. We started with a mozi down the road towards the …

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One HIIT Wonders Repeat

Weather: 68 and no humidity. The pax embarked on to the AlphaQuadrant AO with anticipation of another Bing beatdown, little did they know they were in for a surprise.  YHC loved the Ripken beatdown from the day before that it was decided to share it with more pax…so it was time for the One HIIT …

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I love The Way Thunderstruck Roxanne And Sally Up & Down

Weather – crisp 70, Little breazy but humid …. Who am I to complaint … Its 69 degrees 🙂 The pax  started arriving  early  supporting my VQ….. “What a humpling moment” when you see 12 cars coming your way for your VQ ….The all smiles quicly  turned to questions once the pax stepped out of …

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Public Display of Fitness

Weather: 60’s and clear gloomy skies After a 3.3 mile EC run with Gridlock, YHC was thrilled to see the crowd gathering in the parking lot.  Part of the pre-run included setting up some cones and we were ready to go. Disclaimer was shared and we took off for a mosey around the parking lot, …

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The Nation’s Credo

‘LEAVE NO MAN BEHIND, BUT LEAVE NO MAN WHERE YOU FIND HIM.’ Thank you to those 17 HIMs who stepped up this morning to join YHC at Adventure Park on this ‘cool’ Florida day. Thank you also to the men of F3 Suncoast for allowing YHC to lead. The last time I was here F3 …

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