A Case of the Mondays (or, a really lame title)

Weather: 62 degrees with very light drizzle (sometimes)

The first post-Ragnar beatdown attracted 10 pax to Adventure Park, including a few who apparently didn’t think they tore up their bodies enough over the weekend. No FNGs, so the disclaimer was quick before getting into action.

We started with a mozi down the road towards the dog park, mixing in some butt kickers, nur and carioca x2 along the way, and circled up there for the COP which featured strawberry pickers, windmills, imperial walkers and Evander Holyfields, all in cadence. The trip back was an Indian run, finishing in the hockey rink.

Once in the rink, the pax lined up along the boards on one side for a few sets of 11s. The exercises for each set were:

  1. Merkins and Al Gores
  2. Side Straddle Hops and Big Boy Situps
  3. Moroccan nightclubs and LBCs

After a quick water break, we gathered in the center circle for the Starfish (at least, I think that’s what it’s called). The routine goes like this – do a set of exercises in the center circle, then go back and forth to each of the one of the face-off circles in each corner (mode of transportation different each time, as noted below) and do a different exercise in those circles. So the result is a total of 5 sets of one exercise in the middle and 4 sets of the other exercise in the other circles. Sets were all at a 15 count to avoid further confusion. The exercises and modes of transportation were:

  1. Carolina drydocks, bear crawl out, Plank Jacks, nur back in
  2. American hammers, lunge walk out, Freddie Mercury, carioca back in
  3. Flutter kicks, toy soldiers out, Monkey humpers, nur back in

At this point, there was exactly one minute left, so Ripken begged to lead the pax in a set of Mountain Man Shiterz (see Mumble Chatter if you’re confused), which sounded like a pretty good idea compared to some of the other suggestions that could have come out, so that’s what we did. Unfortunately for Big Mac, we didn’t have time to mozi over to the nearest McDonald’s so that we could do them in front of the drive-thru. There’s always next time.


  • Homeless outreach is tomorrow night, starting at 5. Details on Mumble Chatter and elsewhere in the backblasts. Wear F3 gear if you can. Props to Ripken for Qing this and Recall for hosting the stuffing party on Saturday.

Prayers & Praise reports:

  • Ripken’s dad
  • Injured pax
  • Goob for hopefully landing a new job (Chili still looking)

Excellent work put in by the pax this morning, and always an honor to lead.
