Monkey Humpers and Big Red Balls

Weather: 73 and humid, is that cool air I feel?

YHC got a text from the scheduled Q, he’s held over in the Queen City and needs a replacement.  Always happy to step in to Q, especially when the AO is slightly displaced due to the World Rowing Championships.  As the Pax arrived, it was time to do an extended mosey, final destination – the Big Red Balls.  The Mumble Chatter started before Sniper even got out of his vehicle, as he remembered some of our early trips to the big red balls.

First with a lap around the SCAT parking lot with some high knees, butt kickers, toy soliders, NUR and Carioca, and a tardy Ripken.

Next we headed around the first traffic circle for some SSH IC x30, Windmills x10 IC and yes, as traffic was decent for a while, some Monkey Humpers x10 IC.  Why did the traffic flow have to stop once the monkey humpers started?  Oh well. Next time.

On to our next stop in front of the halloween store for some Mountain Climbers x10 IC, Plank series, and finally some Peter Parkers x15 IC.  Next up was the boat fountain thingy with 20 Step Ups per leg and 20 dips.  Final destination was achieved.  It was time or the Big Red Balls of Target.  This is YHC’s favorite as it brings back great (or not so great) memories of his Pax from The Fort, as one of my favorite AO’s included a Target.

The Thang included a trip up and back on the 6 balls in front of Target.  Starting with 5 merkins, escalating by 5 at each ball, ending with 30 Merkins.  Mode of transportation on the trip out was Bear crawl.  In an effort to give our arms/shoulders a break, the return trip included the same count with Sumo Squats and Lunge Walk for mode of transportation.

Knowing we had a decent mosey back, we headed towards the Bricks Pizza, only to learn that is where Big Mac’s daughter works.  Does this family work at every food establishment in town?  With a modest attempt at People’s Chair, YHC found out that marble tile is slick with moist running shoes.  Also, Jimmy Dean, sitting on the ledge of the wall doesn’t count.

The pax lined up single file and did a Native American Run back to the Scat Lot, with a few extra turns along the way.  Jimmy Dean setting the tone with a NUR on one ‘sprint’ to the head.

As a final Thang, the pax partnered up for a partners choice beatdown.  Partner 1 does an exercise decided upon while Partner 2 runs a lap of the bus lot.  Flip Flop upon completion of the partner run lap. No pairing took it easy, with LBCs, Freddie Mercury (and backwards Freddie Mercury), Moroccan Night Clubs and even Burpees thrown in.  This pax does not back away from a challenge!

Final minute was consumed with a quick round of Mary including SSH IC x10 and LBCs x10 IC


  1. Read Newsletter
  2. Care2Tri run in November – sign up
  3. Farm Bureau skeet shooting – sign up – see Sniper
  4. October 20 picnic, be there.


  • Healthy cancer scan for James, praise God.
  • For Jimmy Deans co-workers Brother in-law
  • For Sniper and his relationship with his brother
  • Those impacted by Hurricane Florence
  • Those families impacted by the terrorist attack in Vegas nearly 1 year ago
  • Injured Pax
  • Families and teens in Lakewood Ranch impacted by the car accident killing multiple classmates and the killing of another.

It’s always an honor to lead you all, and I thank you for joining me in the gloom, even with my terrible but great beatdown ideas.