Public Display of Fitness

Weather: 60’s and clear gloomy skies

After a 3.3 mile EC run with Gridlock, YHC was thrilled to see the crowd gathering in the parking lot.  Part of the pre-run included setting up some cones and we were ready to go. Disclaimer was shared and we took off for a mosey around the parking lot, including the usual high knees, butt kickers, Nur, Carioca x2 and Toy Soldiers/Frankensteins.

COP included the following:

  • SSH x51 IC – that was fun
  • Strawberry Pickers w Overhead Clap x10IC
  • Windmill x10 IC
  • Wheezy Jeffersons x15 IC
  • LBCs x15 IC
  • Jimmy Dean Stretches
  • Mountain Climbers x10IC

After grabbing our water and flag, we took off to the corner of Lorraine and Greenbrook to start the Thang.  2 cones were set up heading up Greenbrook and two cones were placed up Lorraine, but we used the light posts instead.  Starting at home base, we did a 10-20-30.  10 exercises, run to the first stop for 20 and then the final stop for 30.  Once complete, sprint back and plank for the six.  The exercises included:

  • Big Boy Situps – Leg Lifts – Freddie Mercury
  • Monkey Humpers (on the corner of course) – Lunges – Squats
  • Merkins – Overhead Claps – Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Sumo Squats – Ab something – Carolina Dry Docks

Next up we did a seal team sit-up that included 7 pax on one side, arms locked, facing the second line of pax.  Each line did 15 Big Boy Sit-ups.  This was likely a site to be seen, but the pax quickly separated after the big boy sit-ups were complete.  Possibly too much togetherness on a public street corner.

Next up was a few rounds of squat holds and a few rounds of plank series.

After a very organized and successful indian run up towards the school entrance on Lorraine and then back, we finished our indian run back to the AO.  After a final mosey to bring in ShamWow, 6a hit and we were done!


  • If you eat any of your kids candy tonight, you are required to attend Unconditional Surrender AO in the Thursday gloom
  • Take an EH card and EH a dad or two while out trick or treating
  • Care2Tri on Saturday.  Either Run or help at the water station.  M and 2.0s also
  • Heart Tri on Superbowl Sunday
  • Disrupt your status quo while in the car and start listening to the F3 Podcasts on Itunes or Soundcloud.  You won’t regret it.
  • December 11 Homeless Outreach – contribute and HC NOW!


  • Jimmy Dean’s Daughter
  • Mr. Clean’s Mom with her decision on next steps in her cancer treatment
  • Pittsburgh Victims and victims of all hate crimes.

It’s always an honor to lead this group of HIM and I thank you all for following my lead.