A Near Miss

With a majority of our regular PAX attending the Gator Wilderness 5/10k race today, I nearly fartsacked… but then checking the q schedule realized no one had registered. Pushing towards the HIM i want to be i realized the need. I woke blocker and he quickly dresses (this 15 year old kid is awesome). I …

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New Game in the Gloom – Sinister Twister

Weather: 70’s and steamy As the Pax arrived at the AO, curiosity began to rise as to why a random table was placed in the middle of the parking lot.  Questions weren’t answered until the mosey was completed.  With 2 FNGs on site, the full disclaimer and core principles were shared, and off we went …

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Tennis Court and ATM Abuse

Weather: Mid-60’s and Gloomy The Pax arrived in force yet again, this time for another beatdown by YHC.  Nolan is possibly one of my favorite AO’s and I welcome the opportunity to put down the pain.  Today’s pain was influenced by a beatdown I received in Winston Salem, and the Pax learned quickly that it …

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1 Year Anniversary Convergence and BIG Announcement

Weather:  Does it matter? We always workout outdoors, rain or shine! How does one describe the emotion and excitement leading up to our 1 year anniversary, coupled with the fact that the F3 Nation leadership shared some great news with YHC a day earlier.  This excitement was multiplied by a surprise visit by 2 extremely …

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Psycho Bunny Challenge

Weather: 55-degrees and sunny. 9 HIM relinquished the fartsack, shaking off the cobwebs, and posting in the dewy Gloom for a morning of pain.  Bing, who is out with scabies, scurvy, or some other weird-sounding thing that starts with the letter S was kind enough to drop-in to deliver the Shovel Flag.  Chili Pepper posted early for …

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Defeating Goliath

After the disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared, the Pax took off for an extended mosi that included High Knees, Butt Kickers and Carioca, around the parking lot. The Pax then headed to the fields for COP led by Tex.  The exercises included: Windmills x10 IC SSH x10 IC Side straddle hops x10 IC …

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Super 21 Day At Adventure Park

After the disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared, the Pax took off for an extended mozi, that included coming upon a dude running in the opposite direction.  The pax of 23 would not miss the opportunity to EH this fella, which turned out to be an amazing snag!  Former Navy diver and Spartan athlete …

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Lots of Cardio anyone?

Weather:  Nippy for Florida standards 4 Pax ran varying distances for pre-runs and to warm up on this chilly morning. The disclaimer was shared along with the 5-Core principles  and the Pax was off for an extended mosi that included High Knees, Butt Kickers, Carioca x2 and a Carioca to wave goodbye at the departing …

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