Defeating Goliath

After the disclaimer and 5 core principles were shared, the Pax took off for an extended mosi that included High Knees, Butt Kickers and Carioca, around the parking lot.

The Pax then headed to the fields for COP led by Tex.  The exercises included:

  • Windmills x10 IC
    • SSH x10 IC
  • Side straddle hops x10 IC
    • SSH x10 IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x20 IC
    • SSH x20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC
    • SSH x15 IC

The Pax then lined up on the goal line for some leg day beat down. The Pax paired up as the workout is down in pairs as we should always work in life through Christ our ultimate partner. the exercise included the following:

150x Merkin Jacks

200x Monkey Humpers

250x Squats

Partner 1 did walking lunges for 20 yds. while Partner 2 executed the exercises. Once Partner 1 returned from the lunges, he relieved Partner 2 and continued the exercise count.

There was much mumble chatter half-way through the round of Merkin Jacks, but all PAX finished.

On this morning, we are going to take on the subject of the Goliaths in our lives. Goliaths, for today, at least, are the problems or vices that are difficult, persistent, seemingly insurmountable, and constantly taunt us. These problems can be any number of things, from alcohol to drugs, vanity to materialism.

Today’s topic is Pornography, especially in youth.


Introduce the topic, share some statistics about this Goliath that are staggering:

  • porn is a $97 Billion industry
  • 35% of all downloads are porn related
  • 25% of all internet searches are porn related

Back to the workout

  • Sprint to the 50 yard line, bear crawl the remaining 50
  • Plank it up & share more stats

More on this Goliath:

  • 40M regularly visit sites
  • 70% of men (18-34) visit monthly
  • 4.6M hours of porn watched on 1 site in 2016
  • porn usage increases marital infidelity by 300%

Back to the workout

  • Sprint to the 50 yard line, bear crawl the remaining 50
  • Plank it up & share more stats

More on this Goliath…its getting worse:

  • 64% of young (13-24) watch weekly
  • 67% of young believe it is acceptable

Back to the workout

  • Sprint 100 yards to other goal line
  • Plank it up & share more stats
  • Captain Thors

More on this Goliath…this time amongst Christians:

  • 37% of Christian pastors say it is a current struggle
  • 47% of Christian families say it is a problem in their home
  • Most popular day for porn is Sunday, the Sabbath

Back to the workout

  • Sprint 100 yards to the other goal line
  • Indian Gator Walk – 100 yards (line up Indian Run style, but Gator Walk instead…this sucked)
  • Plank it up to continue discussions

Back to Goliath…it’s serious issue to our Creator and should be to us as well

Matthew 5:28 – but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Back to Goliath…good news is he is already defeated

1 Corinthians 15:57 – For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

More on Goliath not shared at Beat Down

Though he’s defeated, he’s still a threat

From Goliath Must Fall (Giglio): Jesus has already overcome the enemy. However, as we read in 1 Peter 5:8, the devil still “prowls around . . . looking for someone to devour.” In many ways, he is like a snake with its head cut off. When you kill a snake, you have to be sure to bury its head, because even after death the serpent holds a lethal dose of venom in its fangs. If you step on a dead snake’s head, you can still get poisoned. In the same way, even though Jesus broke the power of Satan at the cross, he can still inject his deadly poison into our lives. He is dead but still deadly.

Back to Goliath…every man deals with this temptation, but God gives us the strength we need…if we ask

1 Corinthians 10:13 – No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.

My goal for this workout was to make everyone physically and mentally uncomfortable. This topic is very uncomfortable to many, but needs to be dealt with head on as it is an issue that is becoming more and more pervasive in our culture. Our young people are growing up in a world where pornography is more acceptable than ever and more immersive than ever. If we expect it to get better, we have to openly discuss and encourage the resistance to this temptation and teach our 2.0s how to resist it as well.


Each PAX picked an exercise which varied from LBCs to Hello Dolly’s or Darling according to Wahlburger.

Count-O-Rama (19 including one FNG (Welcome Squalor!!))



LECOM 5k that Olympus is involved with, sign up and wear your F3 Gear

Many other Runs and events coming up for All to get involved


Praises for Recall’s Son’s last doctor’s Appointment.

PAX shared many prayer request for sick family and friends.

Great Job Guys!!!
