QSource | Q1.5 M

QSource | Q1.5 M Weather | 70° F | Humidity 63% | Wind: 8mph SE 10 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. It was a great turnout for our 2-year Manniversary convergence. If anyone feels compelled to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule. This morning we continued the first …

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Date: March 16, 2019 Time/Location: 7AM / Adventure Park Weather: 70-Degrees F, Humid, Overcast and Drizzling QIC: Recall PAX: ShamWow, Pincher, Scrum, Manziel, Go Daddy (FNG), I-Beam, Drake, Sparky, Dash, Props, Big Mac, McNugget, LG, Papa Smurf, Trump, 8 Ball 17 HIM posted in the Gloom, many of whom saw the Beatdown’s teaser the night …

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Weather: 65F with very little wind (no complaints here) After a nice pre-run (3 miles, fellowship pace) with Gridlock and and FNG (Shamrock) we went though a nice beatdown and benefited from sharing 1 hour with other HIM. This was so worth it! Warm Up: The pax may be feeling those hip flexors tomorrow. Mosey …

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QSource | Q1.1 DRP

QSource | Q1.1 DRP Weather | 62° F | Humidity 100% | Wind: 0mph 8 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.1: DRP (Daily Red Pill). Q1.1| DRP Statement The Daily Commitment To Accelerate Fitness Fellowship And Faith Scripture Proverbs 25:28 (NIV) Like a city …

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Manziel’s Not-So-Gloomy Beatdown

Weather: 65 and WHO STOLE ALL THE HUMIDITY? By now, we’re used to strange things happening at any beatdown with YHC as the Q, but nobody was prepared for this. As we pulled up to Adventure Park, we found that no one had bothered to turn out the lights in the pavilion from the big …

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3 Ways, F3 style

Weather: 59 and calm F3 workouts are supposed to get you in shape and discourage you from eating tasty, high-calorie food. Luckily, that’s more of a suggestion and not a core principle, so like pass interference in the NFL playoffs, it’s loosely enforced. We started with a 2-lap mozi around the parking lot that included …

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Good Cop, Bad Cop (reverse that)

615AM QSource fellowship discussion. Led by Sparky, attended by Ripken, Bing, Dash, Drake n Rowdy. Wonderful discussion, great start to a great day. 7am, low 60’s, 20 souls. 5 principals, disclaimer n wer off to mozy featuring Nur, Butt Kickers, High Knees & Karoake. Into COP for Windmills (10 IK), Strawberry Pickers (10 IK), Peter …

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The 3:44 Workout

Weather: 60 and cloudy The good news is that this week got off to a much better start than last week, owing to the fact that Bing didn’t ride a bike yesterday. So there’s that. After a brief disclaimer and reading of the core principles, we took a mozi down the road to the dog …

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Super Easy Beatdown

Conditions 43 and low humidity w no wind! (Just incredible) 12 Men somehow dug in deep and pulled the”FartSack” covers off and rode out into the Chilly Gloom. Bing, Sparky,Ripken and BIGMAC all showed up early for a 2-3mile pre run! Mozi  2 laps including the usual stuff… butt kickers, high knee,kerioke,and Nur X2. Warmup Ssh, …

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