Date: March 16, 2019

Time/Location: 7AM / Adventure Park

Weather: 70-Degrees F, Humid, Overcast and Drizzling

QIC: Recall

PAX: ShamWow, Pincher, Scrum, Manziel, Go Daddy (FNG), I-Beam, Drake, Sparky, Dash, Props, Big Mac, McNugget, LG, Papa Smurf, Trump, 8 Ball

17 HIM posted in the Gloom, many of whom saw the Beatdown’s teaser the night before on Mumble Chatter.  Excitement seemed high.  For the first time that YHC could remember in his almost 2-year stint with F3 Suncoast, it was raining on a Saturday.  Scrum expressed concern that the rain may harm the integrity of YHC’s signs (of which there were many), which almost prompted a mild panic attack from yours truly.  Thankfully, the signs held up and all remained right with the world.

We went through the 5 Core Principles and the Disclaimer as we had a first time guest.  YHC explained that today’s theme was “CHOICE”, and the importance of understanding that our choices all have consequences.  The workout began with a 2-lap Mosey around the parking lot featuring High Knees, But Kickers, Karaoke, Lunge Walks, and Toy Soldiers.  We headed to the Echo Chamber and circled-up.

The Playlist

Props to Drake for providing Beatdown music in the Echo Chamber.  In the field and basketball court stations, we heard the following tunes:

Circle of Pain (COP)

The Thang

The PAX counted off into 3s and were separated into teams.  YHC advised that we would be playing three (3) different games today, each 13-minutes long.  YHC advised that between sets there would be a 2-minute water/rotation break.  Team 1 would start at Game 1 (Echo Chamber), Team 2 at Game 2 (Field), Team 3 at Game 3 (Basketball Court).  Teams would alternate stations in ascending order (e.g. Game 1 to Game 2, Game 2 to Game 3, etc.).

YHC advised that each game was designed to empower the PAX with free will in making choices that would lead to varying outcomes.  Here are the games:

Game 1: Press Your Luck

63 8″Wx4″L panels were folded in half to make 4″ x 4″ doors, which were affixed to a Social Studies and Science Fair board.   The doors opened and closed with velcro, enabling the board to function like a game of Memory.  Lots of Burpees were had by all–especially Team 2 (thanks, Pincher!).

Game 2: Let’s Make A Deal

The outcome of this game couldn’t have gone any better, because all teams chose different outcomes on their own.  Team 1 chose Door #3, Team 2 chose Door #1, and Team 3 chose Door #2.  Door #3 was the toughest Let’s Make A Deal prize in my opinion.

Game 3: PLINKO

Props to Bing for lending me a Plinko board to finish off this Beatdown.  The PLINKO board had four different outcomes, each of which were marked by colors: red, blue, green and yellow.  The color that the PLINKO chip landed on determined the type of pain the team received.


Thanks to my trusty Timex, the Beatdown ended at approximately 8AM.  YHC circled-up the PAX, all of whom were soaked from sweat and the rain.  Spirits were high and it appeared that everyone got in a great workout, and had a lot of fun doing it.  YHC reiterated the theme of the Beatdown: “CHOICE”, and the fact that our choices ultimately have consequences.  YHC reminded the PAX that they had the opportunity to choose their panels on Press Your Luck, they had the opportunity to choose which door they opened on Let’s Make A Deal, and they got to choose the location and height that they dropped their PLINKO chip.   YHC explained that in life we all have free will, and the ability to make millions of decisions throughout our lifetime.  YHC asked the PAX to really concentrate on the future (or current) big decisions in their lives…the ones about family, work, which church to attend, etc.  YHC encouraged the PAX to take the weight of those big choices off of their shoulders and give them to God.  That is when we gain clarity and peace, and that is when our purpose and calling in life really starts to take shape.  For Him to work his plan through us, we must first choose to give Him the reigns.  Choose wisely, my friends.


  • ShamWow – recently had some health tests run, and they came back with fantastic results!
  • Trump – recently received a big promotion!  Trump gave props to F3 for what it’s doing for him & his 2.0!
  • Drake – gave thanks for the season of success he and his M are having professionally!
  • Papa Smurf – gave thanks for finding his laptop, and praised those who assisted with its recovery!
  • Kotter – praises given for the birth of his first 2.0!  Welcome, Valerie Grace Hershberger!
  • Recall – praises for his 2.0, Jacob, being accepted into to Selby Preschool, an appendage of The Haven!


  • Bing and his family as they travel overseas.  May he not ingest too much kraut and knockwurst.
  • Ripken and the recovery of any lingering issues with his calf/ankle.


  • F3 Suncoast 2-year Anniversary convergence on 3/30 at Adventure Park.  E.H., E.H., E.H.!


5 posted at Wawa for a post-Beatdown Coffeteria.  As Papa Smurf meandered out of Wawa, a nice stranger handed him a towel so that he could wipe off the wet seats at the adjacent outdoor table.  This kind, unspoken gesture confused the Smurf.  He wiped his nose with the towel and handed it back to said stranger.  A look of bewilderment and disgust/mild hatred was exchanged.  YHC saw it all, and just had to share.  Fantastic!

Had a ball putting together today’s Beatdown…thanks for posting!

