QSource | Q1.5 M

QSource | Q1.5 M

Weather | 70° F | Humidity 63% | Wind: 8mph SE

10 Pax continued our leadership study: QSource. It was a great turnout for our 2-year Manniversary convergence. If anyone feels compelled to lead one these discussions there is a signup sheet on the Q schedule. This morning we continued the first quadrant Get Right with Q1.5: M.

Q1.5| M


The Transformative Relationship Between a Man and a Woman


Ecclesiastes 9:9 (NIV) Enjoy life with your wife, whom you love, all the days of this meaningless life that God has given you under the sun—all your meaningless days. For this is your lot in life and in your toilsome labor under the sun.


  • Is work-life balance a useful concept?
  • Are some relationships more important than others?
  • Is meeting your wife halfway good enough?


Accelerating Fellowship requires relational rhythm

  • Fellowship is the sum total of a man’s relationships with his family, friends and community, the people he will most directly IMPACT during his life.
  • Accelerating Fellowship requires even more skillful effort from the HIM because it necessitates collaboration with other people, and things that he cannot control.
  • Relationships are Dynamic and ever-changing, because that is the way people are.

The M is the HIM’s most important relationship

  • At the bullseye of the Q’s Concentrica is his M, his relationship with his wife, the one upon which all of his other relationships are founded.
  • Concentrica: vision of a HIM’s fellowship, like rings on an archery target.
  • On his back the HIM carries a quiver of arrows that represent the finite time and energy he has been given in his life by the SkyQ. Just as with the days of his life, he has no idea how many arrows he has been provided, so he shoots each as if it were his last, aiming at the center of his Concentrica in order to have the most IMPACT and avoid committing relationship malpractice.
  • At the bullseye of the Q’s Concentrica is his M, his relationship with his wife, the one upon which all of his other relationships are founded.
  • The HIM aims most of his arrows at the M because if that fails, the rest of his relationships will fail as well.

Accelerating the M requires both skill and love

  • To avoid committing relationship malpractice with his wife, the HIM focuses on five points of marital Preparedness:
    • Maintenance = Deceleration
    • The Culture is a Jester
    • There is no Fifty Yard Line
    • Your Wife is not Your Best Friend
    • Joy Trumps Happiness
  • Marriage is a Team, not a Community. It requires Proximity and purpose to succeed.
  • The HIM knows if he fails at his M, nothing else he does will matter.


  • Accelerating Fellowship requires Relational Rhythm
  • The M is the HIM’s most important relationship
  • Accelerating the M requires both skill and love

Homework for 4/6

Thoughts for the week:

  • What can a father hold back from his children?
  • How important is a father?
  • Why must a father be strong for his children?