Tar Heel brings it!!

Name-a-rama – https://share.icloud.com/photos/0F2h7wnv0QYlMZwgiVOxrkmaA The Clearwater Pax had a terrific showing on Saturday! We had a total of 17 show up, with 5 FNGs. Tar Heel led as Q for his first time. We started with introduction, disclaimer and F3 Principles, and then circled up for a round of warm ups. Once warm-ups concluded, we took …

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Running is over-rated. It’s bad for the knees and makes you all sweaty. So we decided to do an entire beatdown without any running. Olympus got things started with an energetic warm-up. He cheated a little … we moved about 10 yards doing the warm-up. We did a series of exercises, each one interspersed with …

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Impromptu Endure Ants

Weather: temp 77F and dew point 74F. Yes, still FL humid, so let’s have fun and run so we can get to the beatdown! Pre-run: YHC and Defib launched at 0344 for a speed workout at Mount UTC. We covered about 7.5-miles with 800m repeats and a 1-miler to finish us off. We returned to the tower …

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50 ways to leave your love handles

Weather: 75F, 94% Humidity – Who needs a sauna? QIC: Lambeau Pax: Shamwow, Bing, Trump, Manziel, ChilliPepper, Sir Wallace, Pincher, Goob The five core principles of F3 were covered and a brief disclaimer announced. We then headed out for a mosey down the side walk toward the white poles where we hung a Ralph and …

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A “Positive” way of Life

70  & Breezy Q: Lancelot, w/ little help from his 4.0 5 Core Mozzi consisted of  High Knees, Butt Kickers, Keriokies, an extra “Bonus” for Lancelot Why should Smudge miss out on this week’s popular Workout w/ Wood 4 Rounds x 3 Exercises x 20 Reps w/ a Run 1 – Lunge w/ Twist, Kayakers, …

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The Fall Classic

Date: 10/26/19 AO: Adventure Park QIC: Recall PAX: Drake, Sham Wow, Manziel, Speedy, Hojo, Sparky, Dash, Thor, Not It (FNG), Aquaman, Recall Weather: 72-degrees and sunny YHC kicked off the beat down with the 5-core principles and the disclaimer.  We commenced with a 2-lap Mosey around the parking lot, featuring Butt Kickers, Carioca (x2), and …

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Date: 10/25/2019 Weather: 73 and humid (but who really knows with Strava Weather down?) QIC: Manziel Pax: Banjo, Big Mac, Bing, Bones, Brutus, Clutch, Coop, Dasani, Houdini, Lancelot, Manziel, Mr. Clean, Ripken, ShamWow, Sir Wallace, Siri, Six Pack, Stage Coach, Steel, Trump, Wilson, Wolverine It’s a Friday, which means it’s always a beautiful morning when …

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