HallowScare Bridge Attack!

Downtown Sarasota on the Bayfront. Weather was perfect at 76 and there was no breeze so I knew the bridge would be our relief from the beatdown that would ensue on this beautiful Halloween morning.

Pre Run Warm up: YHC started the morning early and got a quick 1.5 mile run in along the water. Much to my surprise I found some of the Pax at the statue before 0500 along with an FNG. I finished my warm up as the rest of the Pax arrived for the mornings Gloom.

Opening Ceremony: 0515 and with a FNG  I knew the morning was going to be good. I started with the 5 Core Principles, followed those up with disclaimers and then proceeded to the warm up before the Thang. Being Prior service, U.S. Army to be exact, Infantry, yada, yada, yada I took the time to teach the correct way that exercises are to be conducted (to be specific the commands and the flow). Since F3 is born from a veteran of the U.S. Army, it follows the Army ways and who knows them better than a veteran Army Soldier who was a Drill Sergeant, Ranger, Airborne! and a few other things. Next Friday the 8th of November I will provide it again at NBP since I will be your QIC.

The Pax took it to heart and did a great job of getting the workout started. The Circle of Pain was quick as all things should be that hurt.


  1. SSH 15 reps
  2. Imperial Walkers 15 reps
  3. Double Time toward the bridge (Mozy at a quicker pace)
  4. Seal Claps 15 reps
  5. Double Time all the way to the bridge


The Thang: At Unconditional Surrender if you have an FNG you must hit the bridge.  With that said, the bridge means if I am your QIC you will be participating in my now famous 4×2 Bridge Light Fighter Attack.  So let’s get the Thang going.

In order to control the activity and its level of intensity units of measure must be established. These are used for timing the Gloom, increasing and decreasing activity and intensity. I use the repetition count of a given exercise and the Light poles on the bridge for distance and frequency of exercise as a measure of controlling the Gloom activity. I leave speed to the individual of the exercises and MoT (Mode of Transportation). The beatdown is now simple, start with and exercise, give a count of repetitions, and MoT for the 4 lights, then the next exercise and MoT for 2 lights and what to do while the Pax waits on the six to arrive. Simple process and the beatdown is felt by all since the bridge’s incline adds additional resistance to the up hill run and allows some small measure of relief on the return back down. Seven made the frightful commitment to be here at the Gloom so yes there are many trips up and back down the bridge today!

Once I explained the 4×2 to a few that had not participated in these before YHC decided to add more “fear” by announcing that each member of the Pax would choose an exercise we would perform.

Clutch got us started with LBCs

Diesel had Mountain Climbers

I had Inclined Merkins

Slater gave us Dips

Papa Smurf came with Carolina Dry Docks

Snap Shot said “Big Boy Sit Ups!”

Our FNG had us doing Frog Jumps

Lastly I gave them the Jacked Up Merkin which I will introduce next Friday the 8th of November when I am your QIC at  NBP.

Here is the Thang as it was carried out:

  • LBCs 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 lights up the bridge – LBCs 15 reps – MoT Nur 2 Lights (wait on 6)
  • Mountain Climbers 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 Lights down the bridge – Mountain Climbers 15 reps – MoT Nur 2 Lights down the Bridge (wait on the 6)
  • Incline Merkins 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 lights up the bridge – Incline Merkins 15 reps – MoT Dutch Skate 2 Lights (wait on 6)
  • Dips 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 Lights down the bridge – Dips 15 reps – MoT Dutch Skate 2 Lights down the Bridge (wait on the 6)
  • Carolina Dry Docks 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 lights up the bridge – Carolina Dry Docks 15 reps – MoT Lunge Walk 2 Lights (wait on 6)
  • Big Boy Sit Ups 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 Lights down the bridge – Big Boy Sit Ups 15 reps – MoT Lunge Walk 2 Lights down the Bridge (wait on the 6)
  • Frog Jumps 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 lights up the bridge – Frog Jumps 15 reps – MoT Double Time 2 Lights (wait on 6)
  • Jacked Up Merkins 15 reps – MoT Double Time 4 Lights down the bridge – Jacked Up Merkins 15 reps – MoT Double Time 2 Lights down the Bridge (wait on the 6)

Gathered the Pax at the bottom of the bridge after the 6 made it in and YHC realized it was 0552 and we needed to get back to U.C. quickly but these HIM were beat so how do we move quicker than at a Quick Time (Military/Army jargon for walking) back to the statue without necessarily using a Double Time::: Winnie the Pooh right here, “Think, think, think…I got it!::: We start by skipping and we are moving at a good rate of speed surprisingly and not thinning the heard on the return. Next we Gallop first right foot forward and we change to the left foot forward. Lastly I stop the Pax and line them up single file and it is Indian Run time. Now the brilliance in the Indian Run is that the workout is in the sprint not the run! So keep the file pace down allowing members to sprint to the front and more often instead of chasing down the lead guy and you finish wearing everyone out correctly.

Arriving at the Statue everyone is begging for water as we arrive at exactly 0600. So after water is consumed we gather up and count off 7 Pax members for the HallowScare Bridge Attack. We do name-orama and then invite the FNG into the center of the group. Welcome Seagal! Pronounced just like Steve Seagal the Martial artist of Hollywood fame.


  • Care2Tri 5k run this Saturday, be there and support the cause if you can make it
  • Savage Race in two weeks for myself, M, Mr Clean and Lancelot (for those of us who like to run and do the other stuff too)
  • If you are not participating in Ragnar I have 2 free entrances gifted to me by Spartan for my Military service and I am sure for all the Spartan Races me and M have run this year along with their gear we have purchased $$$ for a Spartan Race (Spartan Sprint 3-4 miles and 20 Obstacles on Dec 8th) AROO!
  • FIA was a hit let’s support those Ms and get hem out there. Mine will be out there after our crazy November Schedule settles down.

Praise and Prayers:

  • Praise for the medicine that is helping Clutch’s son
  • Snap Shots Wife
  • First Responders and LOF
  • Our Men and Women of the Military out there protecting our us and our great nation

Remember if you keep on doing what you’re doing, you will keep on getting what you get, Embrace the Suck!!


Coop out


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