Pumped up! Rucked Up!

Here we go on a Friday morning, welcome to NBP and the Gloom!! It is a perfect 67 degrees outside and the humidity will lend to to the sweat we are going to earn this morning. I do not get in a full pre run this morning instead I set the rucks and necessary other …

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ShamWow takes the Q

Weather: 49 degrees QIC: ShamWow Pax: Brutus, Olympus, Mugsy, Deep Dish, Crabcakes, Cotton Tail, Trump, Goob, Ripken, Sniper, Denali, Lancelot, Bing, ShamWow 6 runners returned from a pre-run, just in time for the 5:15a core principles and disclaimer.  The pax circled up for COP that included: SSH x20IC Windmills x10IC Lunges x10 Cherry or Strawberry …

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2020 New Year Convergence

Weather: 60’s and cloudy QIC: Bing, Drake, Ripken, Sir Wallace, Chili Pepper, Rowdy Pax: Ace, Sterling, Diesel, Sir Wallace, Manziel, Tex, Banjo, Trane, Messi, Pincher, LG, Big Mac, Smudge, Dirt Dart, ShamWow, Rowdy, Drake, Bubbles, Snapshot, Ozzy, Coop, Lambeau, Fin, Rock, Papa Smurf, DeFib, Aquaman, Wahlburger, I-Beam, Flash, Deep Dish, Cotton Tail, Lancelot, #Law, Dash, …

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Speed Bump Ladder

QIC-  Goob Pax- Bubbles, Chili Pepper, Deep Dish, Goob, Ripken, ShamWow, Stagecoach Weather- June type humidity At promptly 5:15, Goob interrupted Ripken’s ramblings to circle up the Pax.  After the 5 core principles were recited and Goob apologized for picking up the Q, we mozied around the parking lot twice mixing in NUR, side shuffles …

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Perfect Vision

Date: 12/28/19 AO: Adventure Park QIC: Recall PAX: Dash, Sparky, LG, Messi, Olympus, ShamWow, Bubbles, Chili Pepper, Stagecoach, Ripken, Pincher, Sully (FNG), Recall Weather: 70-degrees and overcast YHC kicked off the beat down with the 5-core principles and the disclaimer.  We commenced with a 1-lap Mosey around the parking lot, around the lake, and 1-lap …

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And today, we had more

Weather – 69 and humid. Yup, it’s December? QIC: Bing Pax: Bing, Drake, Ripken, Brutus, Zipp, Pincher, Drake Announcements: Ronald McDonald house tonight Prayers/Praises Drakes client/friend who passed away Ripken’s coworker and her breast cancer surgery Ripken’s M on her tests this week Bing’s friend starting the Daniel Plan to start a healthier lifestyle QuickDraw …

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Mot Def Poi

Weather: Perfect — 50F. Pre-run: Several pax got in a pre-run. From what YHC could tell, Mr. Clean, Lancelot, Ripken, and Trump all made the gloom runner friendly (sorry if I left anyone out). Welcome: The parking lot filled-up quickly as YHC put the finishing touches on the beatdown (20 pax in all). At exactly 0515, YHC stated …

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The Randomizer

Weather: cold (for FL, 55F) and blustery with a steady drizzle. Yes, perfectly random conditions for a random beatdown. Pre-run: YHC considered not posting until just before 0515 beatdown, but saw Ripken’s feeler for an 0420 pre-run. YHC decided to posted for the pre-run, but then became reluctant given the cold and damp conditions. Once out …

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