Killing Kryptonite | Week 3

Week 3 | Motivation Weather | Warm and Muggy All Pax (from both AOs) arrived at Adventure Park at 6:15 for the third week of this 3rd F gathering. Celery Fields was well represented and all were in attendance. We had a total of 11 Pax including our guest Q, Longshanks. Thank you everyone for attending! This …

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Killing Kryptonite | Week 1

Week 1 | Our Potential Weather | Hot and Muggy Pax arrived at 6:15 for the first official week of this 3rd F gathering. There were some bananas, protein bars, and fresh “ground” coffee, courtesy of Sparky. This was the second week for Killing Kryptonite. The reading assignment was chapters 1-2. Most Pax were able to …

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Fun with Animals

Weather:  Hot and soupy The pax was fired up for a Saturday morning beatdown.  This being my VQ, I was looking forward to having an impact.  We had two FNG’s and a couple of pax return from an extended break.  All in, a solid turn-out. Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the …

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Balmy and 82

82 dagrees and probably higher humidity to bake us during the Monday beatdown! For our mozi we did two laps around in the dark and accomplished all the good mozi stuff. (Butt kickers, kerioke,high knees, back peddle and Nur….) The warm up Ssh,Wind mills,Imperial Walkers, Strawberry pickers and of coarse bad back stretches! The Thang …

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Greenbrook Rotation

Started off with the Core Principles and a Mosy around the parking lot twice doing some butt kickers, Skips and Karaoke’s. We circled up and did some strawberry pickers, squats and SSH’s. We headed off to the road where there were 3 stations on each side of the street and each station about 100 yards …

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National Running Day Beatdown

Weather:  Hot and Humid, welcome to Southwest Florida! 3 Pax including Ripken (sort of), Gridlock and YHC went for a 3 mile pre-run in the soup like air, in an effort to kick off National Running Day the right way.  As we arrived back at the AO, the lot was full of excitement for what …

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Endless Summer Sooee-cides

Weather: 80F, relatively clear skies, 90% humidity, zero breeze. Yes, perfectly miserable conditions. The pax rolled-in as Ripken and YHC finished a nice little 3-mile pre-run. One pax was even kind enough to offer us a lift, but we graciously declined. YHC has made it a life practice to stay out of all vehicles that …

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Balls Out

I have a lot of balls laying around my house, so I decided to incorporate the balls into the workout. A teaser of the balls was posted Friday evening. Bing commented: “Oh Balls”. Yes. Balls. You got that right. I sorted the balls by color and packed up the balls in containers, it was a …

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