NBP Parking Lot Q

Welcomed our newest FNG (Hokie) and reviewed our disclaimer and 5 core principles.

Our Mosy took us over the 2 parking lot bridges while doing some high knees and Karaoke’s.

We circled up and learned that Mr Clean was clearly just learning to count or having a problem engaging brain and mouth at the same time. We did perform some SSH’s, Imperial Walkers and Strawberry Pickers.

Using the “hills” of the parking lot we performed a routine of forward suicides from the starting line to each line (about 25 feet apart totaling 100 feet) to far end end line followed by a minute of a exercise at the starting line then a round of backwards (NUR) suicides then another minute of exercise.

We performed each of the following Shoulder Taps, Merkins, Moroccan NC’s and Carolina Dry Docks. We did this set twice.

Using the “hills” of the parking lot again we ran from the starting line to center line and then to the far end end line
doing these exercises 3 times.

20 Reverse Crunches (60 total)
10 (each side) Side Planks Hip Raisers (60 Total)
20 Mountain Climbers (60 total)
20 Flutters  (60 total)
20 Freddy Mercuries (60 Total)

We circled up and welcomed our newest FNG (Hokie) struggling to give him a F3 name. We reminded everyone of the 3 events coming up Fort Hammer 5k,10k and MudTitan (8/25) and Siesta Key Triathlon Sprint on 9/22.