Greenbrook Rotation

Started off with the Core Principles and a Mosy around the parking lot twice doing some butt kickers, Skips and Karaoke’s.

We circled up and did some strawberry pickers, squats and SSH’s.

We headed off to the road where there were 3 stations on each side of the street and each station about 100 yards from each other.

Station 1 – Merkins and Shoulder Taps
Station 2 – Moroccan NC’s and Small Circles
Station 3 – LBC’s and American Hammers
Station 4 – Jump Squats and Lunges
Station 5 – Windmills and Toy Soldiers
Station 6 – Flutters and Freddy Mercuries

We teamed off in pairs or threesomes , each team headed to a station where each team did 50 of the first exercise then they ran a lap around the other stations and back to do 50 of the second exercise and then run another lap and move on to the station. This continued until you hit all 6 stations.

At the end each person did 600 reps and about 2 miles of running.

With about 5 minutes left we circled up for a round of Mary with Merkins, LBC’s, Carolina Dry Docks, SSh’s and American Hammers.

Prayers and Praises including Ripken’s Dad, Survivors Prayer Circle on 88.1 and others.

Reminder there is a 3rd F on Sat Morning at 6:15Am where the PAX will be reading “Killing Kryptonite” and also there is the 2.0 workout at 9am on Sat.