Fun with Animals

Weather:  Hot and soupy

The pax was fired up for a Saturday morning beatdown.  This being my VQ, I was looking forward to having an impact.  We had two FNG’s and a couple of pax return from an extended break.  All in, a solid turn-out.

Pax started with a mosey of two laps around the parking lot.  Mixed in were butt kickers, high knees, nur and carioca x2.  Then, the pax moved to the middle of the soccer field with flags and our exercise props (bricks and water jugs).


  1. SSH x15 IC
  2. Strawberry pickers x10 IC
  3. Abe Vigoda x10 IC
  4. Moroccan Night Clubs x15 IC
  5. Alabama Ass-kickers x10 each leg IC
  6. Annies x2 each arm
  7. Side Plank x2 each arm

The Thang

Fun with Animals.  First, the pax drew inspiration from our furry friends.  Being scientifically-minded, the pax embarked on a study of why most animals are in better shape than humans.  From a starting line, the pax moved to a set of cones 15 yards forward, turned-around and then returned.  Pax had 60 seconds to perform each sequence – finishing early meant a short rest.  Each sequence involved one of the following five exercises.  Pax cycled through these five sequences for two rounds.

  • Bear Crawl
  • Duck Walk
  • Crab Walk
  • Crawl Bear
  • Frog Hop

Pax started strong with a couple of members finishing quickly and then adding SSH’s or plank to “keep their heart rate up”.  Well, that didn’t last long, as each sequence ended closer and closer to 60 seconds.  Pax powered through nonetheless.

Four Elements.  Aristotle of the Ancient Greeks posited that the world was made up of the four elements of air, fire, water and earth.  Or course, our pax is well aware that today’s periodic table is made up of 118 elements.  Regardless, the pax thought it would be useful to study each of these classical elements in detail.

Our study consisted of four stations, each located at the corners of the soccer field.  Each station had four exercises.  Pax divided into four groups and moved to each of the four stations.  Upon start, pax would complete all four exercises and then run to the next station in a clockwise rotation.  Pace and cadence of each exercise was OYO.

1. Water:  Abs (Water jug on all exercises)

  •     x20 American Hammer (with jug in hands)
  •     x20 LBC (with jug in hands)
  •     x20 Heavy Freddies (with jug in air)
  •     x20 Gas Pumps (with jug in air)

2.  Earth: Legs

  •     x10 Ballerinas
  •     x20 Lunges
  •     x30 Calf raises
  •     x20 Al Gores 

3.  Air:  Upper Body  (Bricks on all exercises)

  •     x20 Berkins (Merkins on bricks)
  •     x40 Speed Bag (with bricks – each rotation is one count)
  •     x20 Floyd Mayweather (with bricks in each hand)
  •     x20 The Swimmer (with bricks in each hand – each rotation is one count)

4.  Fire:  Core

  •     x20 Shoulder Taps
  •     x20 Peter Parkers
  •     x10 Supermans
  •     x20 Mountain Climbers

After 25 minutes and quarts of sweat, pax returned to the center of the soccer field.


  • Spike:  From Florida, Gator fan, plays beach volleyball
  • Dreamweaver:  Graphic designer, plays video games

Praises / Prayers:

  • Shred:  Prayer request for friend who is going through some tough times with his ex-wife
  • Bing:  Prayer request for some pax who haven’t been able to attend recently
  • Tex:  Closes on his business’ loan next week
  • Chilipepper:  Prayer request for his brother-in-law looking for a job


  • 7/4 – 1776 Patriot Games – Adventure Park – 7am launch CSAUP
  • 7/7 – Guest Q with LongShanks