
Date: 06/08/19 Weather: 88-degrees and humid.  This was definitely a Gold Bond type of morning. QIC: Recall A strong 21 posted for this Saturday’s beat down.  YHC kicked off the workout with a quick recap of the 5-core principles.  The PAX completed a mosey around the pond and to the basketball court.  The mosey included …

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Backblast – I’m fighting one!

Here’s a VQ backblast for YHC. Special props to Bing (see what I did there?) for co-qing today with me which included an enroute text that the normal AO was not open to friendly guys like us. A command decision took us to the UTC mall parking lot nearby with nothing lost other than the …

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1-9-7-3 Redo

Weather: temp was 68F and dew point 65F. Yes, great weather, so let’s have fun and run and get beatdown a bit! Pre-run: YHC failed to launch for the usual Nolan pre-run.  No word whether anyone ran pre-beatdown or not. Oh well, sometimes things happen. Welcome: At exactly 0515, YHC mumbled the 5 Core Principles and a …

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Airborne!! Tower Dora Workout

Good morning Sarasota, the Suncoast!! This morning was cool and breezy since the humidity seems to be largely absent and it is more Michigan and less Florida right now around here. YHC arrived early and hit the tower planting the cards on each level providing direction on the activities that await the Pax in just …

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Going the Distance

YHC pulls up to Wawa and sees Ripken’s truck, with no Ripken in sight. Confirming the GroupMe post that he and Bing were planing to start early and circle back for a 6:00 second launch. BigMac was second on scene and mentioned he would be doing his usual out and back followed by a run. …

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The “B” Q

Weather: temp was 71F and dew point 70F. Yes, it’s FL and yes, it’s humid. Let’s run! Pre-run: YHC launched at 0410 for a quick 3+miler to get the blood flowing. Upon circle-back, met up with FIAB, Bing and Ripken for a loop ‘o the lake. Fellowship pace was rather quick and the chatter was thick. So, …

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Hindenburg BLIMPS

Weather – It’s Florida. 6 HIM rose early from the fartsack for a pre-run including a new routine of going postal at the end of the run, which includes hill repeats at the post office (hey, it’s the ONLY hill in running distance that gave us a whopping 82 ft elevation gain).  Launch time of …

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