Wheels on the bike go…

Another glorious morning to get in some miles, cycling style. Ripken declared his departure at 5:30, YHC got in a nice little warm up and all met at 6 to take off for the usual route, doubling back a time or two to pick up the six.

Was great to see Cottontail back out after touring all over the world to places like Hawaii, Poland and Minneapolis.

Trump looking stylish and getting more speed with the aid of the toe cages in his pedals.

Brutus breaking speed records for a brief case carrying bike, he hung at 21 mph for a strong mile or two, and then had to make a few stops to deliver some papers.

Pincher, always looking good in his F3 Nation Cycling kit, just to tease us as we all wait for ours.

Lastly, Pincher and Ripken made friends with a construction worker who clearly couldn’t wait 5 seconds for pincher to clear the roadway but had the time to circle back to educate us on bike riding protocol. I think Ripken invited him to Peaches tomorrow morning tho.

No Manziel today, I do believe he got arrested last night or something, just to live up to his namesake. Oh wait, it was his knee.

Great job by all! Proud to be a part of this brotherhood and appreciate this push out of my comfort zone. All in all, most rode 20 miles, or pretty darn close to it.


  • Ronald McDonald house 6/10


  • For patience
  • Injured pax
  • Fartsackin pax

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