
Date: 06/08/19

Weather: 88-degrees and humid.  This was definitely a Gold Bond type of morning.

QIC: Recall

A strong 21 posted for this Saturday’s beat down.  YHC kicked off the workout with a quick recap of the 5-core principles.  The PAX completed a mosey around the pond and to the basketball court.  The mosey included karaoke, butt kickers, and high knees.  The PAX circled up at the basketball court.

Play List

Below are the songs played during today’s Beatdown:

  • You Can’t Stop Me – Andy Mineo
  • Centuries – Fall Out Boy
  • Dance, Dance – Fall Out Boy
  • My House – Flo Rida
  • Cruise – Florida Georgia Line
  • Again – Flyleaf
  • Papercut – Linkin Park
  • Alive – P.O.D.
  • Going In Blind – P.O.D.
  • Monster – Paramore
  • Waking Lions – Pop Evil
  • Hall of Fame – The Script
  • Snap Off – Thi’sl
  • Eye On It – Toby Mac
  • Happy Hour – Weezer
  • Remember the Name – Fort Minor
  • Already Over – Red
  • Hide – Red
  • Bones – Young Guns


Rowdy joined us 5 minutes late and graced our presence with a Burpee penalty.  YHC led a quick, stretching focused COP:

  • 25 SSH -IC
  • Florida Strawberry Picker
  • 20 Merkins – IC / Plank Hold ~ Right Arm High / Left Arm High
  • 20 Mountain Climbers – IC
  • Hamstring/Quad Stretches
  • Shoulder/Arm/Wrist Stretches

The Thang

YHC counted off the PAX into 3s.  YHC explained that we’d be participating in 3 stations, each 10-minutes long, followed by a 90-second rotation break.  Team 1 started at Station 1, Team 2 at Station 2, etc.  Teams would rotate stations in ascending order, and would keep working at stations until time was called.

Station #1: DORA

Teams of 2 PAX work together to reach cumulative exercise goals of 100, 200, and 300 reps.  PAX 1 executes as many reps as possible while PAX 2 sprints to the DORA sign and back (50 yards).  Flapjack until team goal is reached, or time is called.  Rinse and repeat if finished before time.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Squats

Station #2: ALARM

A.L.A.R.M. goes as follows: A = Arms, L = Legs, A = Abs, R = Run, M = M Excercise.  Three ALARMS were set-up beside one another.  PAX were instructed to complete 50 reps of each exercise before moving to the next letter in that ALARM set.  A cone was placed roughly 35 yards down field for the run.  PAX would continue working for 10 consecutive minutes, attempting to complete ALARM 3 before time and achieve H.I.M. status.

  • ALARM 1 = Webelos Scout: Overhead Claps, Legs, LBCs, Run to Cone & Back, Moroccan Nightclubs
  • ALARM 2 = Eagle Scout: Shoulder Taps, Flutter Kicks, American Hammer, Run to Cone & Back, Mountain Climbers
  • ALARM 3 = H.I.M.: Carolina Dry Docks, Hello Dolly, Plank for 50 Secs, Run to Cone & Back, Monkey Humpers

Station #3: Dice Roll Doom

During the COP, YHC asked LG to roll the numbers dice to determine the amount of reps we’d do for this station: LG rolled a 20.

1 Dice was set-up at each corner of the basketball court.  One PAX would roll the dice to determine which exercise the team would do.  The team would complete 20 reps of that exercise and then move to the next station.  PAX would continue rotating stations until time.

Exercises included Monkey Humpers, Merkins, Squat Jumps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, Leg Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks, Dying Cockroach, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Freddie Mercury, Imperial Walkers, among others.

The Moleskin

YHC advised that he based the workout around the first letter of each Station: D.A.D.  YHC reminded everyone that Father’s Day was the following weekend.  Fathers around the country, good and bad, would be celebrated all day long during this pseudo Hallmark Holiday.  YHC asked the fathers in the Group to reflect on why they deserve to be celebrated this Father’s Day.  YHC challenged the PAX to reflect on what they’ve done great this year, as well as what they can improve upon in the upcoming year, encouraging them to find that next level as a DAD.  Ripken astutely pointed out the importance of a father showing his children how to be good husbands.  YHC also asked the PAX to reflect this week on how much their own Fathers mean to them, and how their fathers helped shape the journey each of us are on for HIM status.

YHC advised that since there was more than one DAD in the group, he needed to pluralize the word.  YHC lined up the PAX for the final station.

Station #4: Sprints

YHC lined up the PAX at the base of the basketball court.  For the final 10 minutes of the beatdown, the group completed a variety of different Michigan States.  Technically this is called a King of Hearts, but I went with Sprints because I needed an activity that started with a “S”.  Michigan States completed (that I can remember) were: Regular, Reverse, Regular, Karaoke, Broad Jump Burpee, Leg Lunge, capped off with a final Regular.

Circle of Trust

  • Announcements
    • St. Pete AO is live — keep spreading the word and strive to attend on a Saturday
    • Back Draft could use some assistance moving some items into his new pad on Sunday
    • F3 is volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House in St. Pete on Monday.  Meet-up is at 4:30PM.  Contact Ripken with ?s
  • Prayers
    • YHC has been associated with F3 for about 5 years now.  Today was the most prayer requests that I’ve ever heard in a COT.  Because of the volume, YHC asked our 3rd F Q, Ripken, to take us out in prayer.  A few things were evident to me in COT this morning: first, the camaraderie and trust that we’ve developed within our unit has created a platform where HIM are openly and candidly speaking about what’s on their hearts.  This is a big, big deal, and what makes F3 more than just a workout.  Keep it up–this is where lives and communities are changed!  Secondly, we have a lot of PAX, their family members and their friends injured, in need of hope, and/or in need of a win.  Let’s dial-in our prayers this week and make sure that we’re lifting up all of our brothers on the regular.

Thanks for coming!  As usual, I had a ball making you sweat!
