Global Running Day + Surrender-cides

Weather: temp was 72F and dew point 70F. Yes, FL humid, so let’s have fun and run so we can get to the beatdown!

Pre-run: YHC launched at 0344 for a celebratory pre-run in honor of Global Running Day. Bing and Ripken joined YHC at 0420, but just long enough for YHC to yield to nature calling as Wawa came into view. Technically, it’s not a Ripshat if modern facilities are available, so no Ripshat jokes allowed. All told, 8+ miles of GRD pre for YHC and 5+ for Bing and Ripken. This was probably a mistake, as you’ll soon see.

Welcome: At exactly 0515, YHC growled the 5 Core F3 Principles and a psuedo-disclaimer, then launched the pax into a quick 2-lap mosey that included high knees, toy soldiers, and butt-kickers. Then, we were off to the basketball courts for CoP and the appetizer.

Circle of Pain (CoP):

  1. SSH, x15 IC
  2. Hillbilly Walkers, x15 IC
  3. Merkins, x20 OYO
  4. Little Willy w/ burpees on the “willy”

The Thang: Since today was a convergence of two fun celebrations, Global Running Day and the Royal Burpee’s birthday, YHC thought it appropriate to work-in a good, hard run effort with plenty of burpees to fill in the gaps.

After Little Willy was played to get the pax warmed-up, the appetizer was a round of “Surrender-cides”. The mandatory portion of surrender-cides were suicides from near baseline of court 1 to far baseline of court 1, back to near baseline of court 1 to far baseline of court 2, back to the start. Upon completion, SSH until the 6 was in, then a 10-second rest. Rinse-and-repeat a mandatory 5 times. After the pax completed 5 mandatory reps, transitioned to the surrender-cide portion of the appetizer. Basically, just repeat the suicides until a pax finally “surrenders” (i.e., can’t take no more as signaled by turning-off the sound on the soundbox). The pax completed one more full round of suicides, but some miserable pax surrendered during the second rep. YHC wasn’t sure who surrendered, but it was probably Ripshat to keep the merlot off the courts.

After surrender-cides, pax returned to the Nolan parking lot where the soundbox was setup to play Gridlock’s “Run” playlist. As usual, the pax found a few songs on the box to be acceptable, but mostly no one liked the tunes. Oh well, YHC apologizes for not having enough Taylor Swift to make Goob happy.

Anyway, the main course consisted of a Tammy Wynette-style routine (i.e., Stand by Your Man) where pax paired-up with someone of like fitness. The objective was simple, run a lap around the parking lot with partner then complete a set of burpees in increasing-and-decreasing ladder style. Lap 1 resulted in 1 burpee for each partner (first, partner 1 completed one burpee while partner 2 stood by partner 1’s side doing Moroccan Nightclubs, then partner 2 completed said burpee while partner 2 did Moroccan Nightclubs). The only catch was that each lap increased the burpee count, up to 5, then decreased it. So, lap 2 yielded 2 burpees for each partner, lap 3 had 3 burpees, etc. up to 5 burpees for each partner. Then the burpee ladder was worked back-down. In total, the burpee ladder was 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 for each pax. The idea was to push each other during the run and then further suffer an oxygen deficit from the burpees. All pax completed the entire burpee ladder. Well done pax!

It was fun.


  1. Ronald McDonald house Monday
  2. Moon over Croom June 16
  3. Help moving Backdraft on Sunday (11a)
  4. Need pax to step-up and lead beatdowns in St Pete as it gets going

Prayer Requests / Praises:

  1. Olympus’ family travels
  2. Deepdish’s home to sell quickly and at a good price
  3. Praise for the work God has done to bring BigMac and McNugget closer

Great job to all pax for making a tough gloom fun.

“To do what others cannot, do what others will not.”
