Backblast – I’m fighting one!

Here’s a VQ backblast for YHC. Special props to Bing (see what I did there?) for co-qing today with me which included an enroute text that the normal AO was not open to friendly guys like us. A command decision took us to the UTC mall parking lot nearby with nothing lost other than the obligatory jailbreaks up the Tower and the resulting sweat and pain!

As I waited for 5:15, the cars kept coming for record setting attendance!

With assistance from Mr Clean, the 5 core principles were covered before a short mozy including high knees, butt kickers, carioca’s and a nur. In honor of D-Day 6/06, we did 12 strawberry pickers, 12 SSH’s, 12 Imperial walkers, but only 6 Manatees due to the gracefulness of our local namesake.

The Thang was titled “I’m fighting one” with the goal of visualizing all three F’s in one workout.

The record setting group who came out in support was split into two squads. A single PAX from each squad was called by name to run a short distance and select a F3 playing card waiting for them. This single PAX was responsible for 700 reps of the exercise to simulate the large battles facing our HIM. A call for help, “I’m fighting one” would bring the rest of the PAX to contribute to the fight. Each HIM took different amounts of time to ask for help which also simulates the real life requests for help. You have an entire PAX ready, willing, and waiting to help! All you have to do is ask.

Upon successful completion of the fight, the chosen HIM would switch squads while the original squad returned to the starting point for another fight. This simulated how FNG’s join us. There is usually some ackwardness involved and we also don’t know the battles our FNG’s might have been fighting.

The mid 80’s temp and 65% humidity helped all break a healthy sweat.

6:00 finally arrived, COT included a challenge to stay open and honest about our battles. 2nd F is a great time to get to know each other better and 3rd F helps us understand our earthly battles have spiritual origins and consequences.

3 FNG’s completed Name o Rama: Welcome Curd, Molitor, and Sarge!


Great representation from the PAX will visit Ronald McDonald House Friday.

Praises: The safe arrival of Go Daddy’s 2.0!


Papa Smurf M and 2.0 serving on a mission trip to Dominican Republic.

Those serving around the country to those hurting from recent natural disasters and manmade tragedies.

Props surgery on Wednesday.

Thank you for the support and encouragement today! Props