Fox and Friends 6/28/2019 NBP

We took the Tower Again Trump in all his Glory and In Presidential Fashion handed down a Hhuuuuuuuugggeee beatdown   Core Principles of F3’s Fitness, Fellowship and Faith F3 workouts have to: Be free of charge Be open to all men Be held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold Be led by men who …

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Nolan Soccer Beatdown

Last week’s Nolan beatdown was cancelled due to to lightning.

This week, 16 Pacs turned up on the hottest day of the year so far.

It was my (Posh’s) VQ. We did a soccer-themed beatdown with a focus on leg exercises. It could be worse: the alternative was a Spice Girls theme.

PS: I was surprised how many Pacs were ready and willing to sing parts of Spice Girls’ songs.

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Dang we look good in the dark

Weather: Humid and Mostly Cloudy Temperature: 75° (24C) QIC: Bing Pax: Sniper, Cotton Tail, Bing, Pincher, Doggy Paddle, Brutus, Trump, Ripken It was like Christmas morning for many of the Pax today.  Our long waited F3 Nation Cycling kits were delivered by Santa, or the USPS drivers, yesterday.  Many selfies were shared on the GroupMe …

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Rarely do you get to see a sunrise when you live on the west coast of Florida.  What a beautiful way to start a beatdown at DTSP.  If you haven’t been to this AO, you’re missing out…sunrises, a breeze off the water, lots of people out running on the walkway. Snapshot, Olympus and YHC headed …

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Feel the 70!

Date: June 14, 2019 Weather: A rather humid upper 70’s/low 80’s. QIC: Thor Welcome to YHC’s VQ Backbalst. As YHC anxiously awaited what would transpire on this VQ he had been thinking about for a while, the cars started showing up. The PAX kept showing up even a few (Pincher, Messi, Posh, Olympus) that don’t …

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109 year Father’s Day anniversary celebration

Temperature:  75 Humidity: varying reports of 80%-92% based on source (muggy) QIC:  Goob   Oh what a day! 13 posted for a beatdown this fine gloom not knowing their fate. The Mosey: 2 quick laps around the parking lot including high knees, butt-kickers, carioca each way, and toy soldiers (though Goob did his best to …

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The Paper Boy has arrived

Weather: 70s but at 18+ MPH, it felt cool. QIC: Bing Pax: Sniper, Pincher, Ripken, Bing, Dogo (FNG), Brutus, Trump, Cottontail The pax assembled at Wawa and welcomed Chris Locke, now known as Dogo.  Not that he’s as fierce as one, but Sniper suggested this when learning about his mascot being a bulldog. Brutus with …

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