109 year Father’s Day anniversary celebration

Temperature:  75

Humidity: varying reports of 80%-92% based on source (muggy)

QIC:  Goob


Oh what a day! 13 posted for a beatdown this fine gloom not knowing their fate.

The Mosey: 2 quick laps around the parking lot including high knees, butt-kickers, carioca each way, and toy soldiers (though Goob did his best to change the terminology to tin mans).  We then circled up to warm up our legs and shoulders really well for the torture to come.  27 SSH, 27 Michael Phelps, 27 arm circles, and 28 hillbilly walkers.  Properly warmed up, moved to the basketball courts.

*BigMac stated at the end of the mosey in reference to the impeding Q led by Goob, “It can’t be any worse than his VQ.” Famous last words.

The Thang- a basketball is a rectangle thus lending itself well to a four corner workout.  For the first 3 corners, the pax had to do 27 of the prescribed exercise.  In the fourth corner, they had to do 28.  As Thor calculated correctly on his abacus, the total was 109.  Upon prescribing the exercises, Goob drew blank stares of utter disbelief.  Again, careful what you say BigMac.  Throughout the beatdown, their was some mumbling but as the pax wore down, the majority of the words spat out were those of vitriol towards Goob.  Goob was even threatened with a screw driver at one point.  Sounds very Chicago to me.  This brought a smile to his face knowing he’d done his job.  Goob’s only wish was that Gridlock hadn’t spent the entirety of the beat down in a port-o-potty on the side of SR 70 and could have experienced the joy of 654 total maneuvers along with a roughly 1.5-2 mile run.

Round 1:  109 burpees, 109 merkins, and 109 mountains climbers.

The break:  A suicide or a supercide (touching all 9 lines utilizing both basketball courts)

Round 2:  109 diamond merkins (compliments of Ripken), 109 salsa dips, and 109 plank jacks

The break:  A suicide or supercide


The message- June 12, 1910 was the first celebration of Father’s Day in the US.  Though it wasn’t officially recognize until 50+ years later, we celebrated the HIM’s of our Pax this morning.  As fathers and sons, make sure you take some time to reflect on your blessings and thank our Father above.

Announcements-  Ronald McDonald house was a resounding success; there is a second opportunity in planning.  July 4th, 1776 beatdown at AP, exact time tbd.

Praises/Prayers- all the injured Pax, first responders