
Rarely do you get to see a sunrise when you live on the west coast of Florida.  What a beautiful way to start a beatdown at DTSP.  If you haven’t been to this AO, you’re missing out…sunrises, a breeze off the water, lots of people out running on the walkway.

Snapshot, Olympus and YHC headed north via Clown Car at 5:50.  This proved to be a bit early, but allowed time to explore the AO and set up.  The rest of the Pax showed up right at 7:00 and we got started.

After stating the Five Core Principles, we mozied down the walk.  This led to a random set of high knees, buttkickers and a short stop at the picnic tables.  Here some step up/knee ups were dealt, along with some jump ups.  The mozy continued past a few homeless guys (is there a better place in the world to be homeless than the beach in St. Pete?) that were friendly, but not ready to join in.  For added warm-ups we headed to the workout machines.  We did 30 second stations, rotating clockwise.  The machines don’t offer a lot of resistance, but do give a nice warm up to all the muscles.  Most of all, it is a close environment to warm up the trash talking muscles.

Ripken had to run the Pax through his usual Jacks series ending with the loved, yet hated, Richard Simmons.  The last of the warm ups were some core exercises: LBCs, Heels to Heaven, Crabcakes and a 1 minute Plank.

The Thang was a repeat from NBP this spring, Ruck U.  We did 1o sets of the following: 2 Super Burpees, 3 Around the World Jumps, 5 Getups, 10 American Hammers, 10 Breakdancers then grab a Rucksack and run to the end of the pier and back.

The Coup de Gras was offered, but most Pax whimpered like a little school girl with a dead hamster.  Ripken and Olympus donned the swim goggles and headed for the water.  Crystal clear and 75 degrees, we swam about 200 yards to the buoy and back.  No idea what the landlubbers did, something very front-hole worthy, I’m sure.  Some girls in sports bras giggled as they went by and asked if they wanted to join their Mom & me group.

The COT was held in the sand with Zamboni (69 year old Vietnam vet) and Primetime (works for Amazon) getting their handles. Prayers lifted up for Dads, Gilligan, and Snapshot’s mother-in-law.

It was an honor to Q this great new AO.  The water is a must for future Q’s.  There are also lots of shallows to be used for water running, swimming, football…just about anything.  Soon the gents of DTSP will be swarming to join F3 at the beach.